jill's birthday (pt 1)

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*The whole Biden family celebrates Jill's 71st birthday! I know the whole family wasn't there irl but that's okay, this is fanfic 😉 Thank you to ReneeThornton8 for helping me write this! Enjoy! Love • Bree 🌊🏖️🎉*

June 3rd, 2022
Biden Family Beach House, Rehoboth Beach DE

Today is Jill's 71st birthday and she is at her favorite place, Rehoboth Beach Delaware at her and Joe's beach house with all of her favorite people.

Jill's sister Bonny, Joe's sister Valerie, her three children Hunter, Ashley and Jacob, her daughter-in-laws Hallie and Melissa, former daughter-in-law Kathleen, son-in-law Howard, Naomi's fiancé Peter and finally her grandchildren Naomi, Finnegan, Maisy, Natalie, Little Hunter, Beau, Eugenia, Bonny and Joey are all with Jill and Joe to celebrate her birthday this weekend.

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Right now, Jill, Bonny, Valerie, Kathleen, Hallie, Melissa and baby Joey are all in the kitchen packing a few bags full of food and other things for everyone with Joey sitting in his swing.

Meanwhile Peter, Naomi, Little Hunter, Natalie, Maisy and Finnegan are sitting in the living room catching up with each other.

Hunter, Beau, Howard and Joe are outside getting all of the the bikes and the babies' wagon ready.

Eugenia, Bonny and Jacob are all sitting on the floor right across from Peter, Naomi, Little Hunter, Natalie, Maisy and Finnegan and they are playing with some toys.

*Jacob, Eugenia and Bonny's beach outfits*

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*Jacob, Eugenia and Bonny's beach outfits*

"Aaaaa!" Eugenia screeches happily as she plays with some blocks.

"Ba baaaaa aaaaa!" Bonny screeches as she kicks her feet.

"Ba ba!" Jacob says with a smile.

Jacob then takes Bonny's toy away from her and she begins to cry.

"Uh oh! What happened in here?" Bonny says as she walks over to the three babies and picks up baby Bonny.

"Jacob took the toy from Bonny that she was playing with." Finnegan says to Bonny.

"Shh shh, it's okay sweety. It's okay. Auntie Bonny is here now." Bonny says as she rocks baby Bonny in her arms, calming her down.

"Ba baaa!" Eugenia says looking up at both Bonnys and smiles.

"I see you, Eugenia! I see you, pretty princess!" Bonny says to Eugenia.

"What happened? Why is a baby crying?" Jill asks as she and Ashley walk into the room to investigate what's going on.

"Jacob took the toy Bonny was playing with. She is okay now after some Auntie cuddles." Bonny says as she kisses baby Bonny's cheek and she babbles.

"Jacob Francis Beau! You have to share, sweety! You can't take toys, that's not nice." Jill says as she picks up Jacob and Jacob continues to hold the toy he stole.

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