visiting daddy at work

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*Jill, Jacob and even Beau visit Joe at the Oval Office! Thank you so much to joebidenloving for helping me as always ❤️ Enjoy!

August 24th, 2021

Today has been a peaceful Tuesday at the White House.

Jill, Jacob and Major have been hanging out and enjoying the beautiful summer day with Hunter, Beau and Melissa while Joe is in the Oval Office getting some much needed work done.

Joe hasn't been in the Oval Office since before he and Jill went to Camp David for vacation.

Right now, Hunter and Melissa are taking a nap on the couch, still experiencing some jet lag. Beau was sleeping too but he woke up and is quietly watching a cartoon on the TV.

Meanwhile upstairs, Jill is getting Jacob changed into a new outfit and in a fresh diaper. Jill decided she wants to visit Joe at the Oval Office with Jacob. Jacob has never visited the Oval Office before!

 Jacob has never visited the Oval Office before!

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*Jacob's outfit with brown pants*

Jill also really misses Joe. She and Joe have been together all day everyday for the past almost three weeks and she isn't used to him having to go into the office to work.

"Jakey, are you ready to see Daddy at work? Let's go see Daddy!" Jill says in a babyfied voice as she and Jacob leave the master bedroom and carefully and slowly go down the steps one by one.

The steps are still a painful thing for Jill to do since her incision is still healing, but it is getting better day by day. Jill walks over to the brand new stroller that Hunter just put together for his parents and Jill carefully puts Jacob inside of it.

 Jill walks over to the brand new stroller that Hunter just put together for his parents and Jill carefully puts Jacob inside of it

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*Jacob's stroller*

"There you go, baby. All nice and comfy in your brand new stroller that your Aunt Val got for you! Yeah!" Jill says in a soft babyfied voice at Jacob, covering him up with his blue blanket with dogs on it.

Jill slowly pushes the stroller out of the resident so Hunter and Melissa don't hear her, she doesn't want them yelling at her for leaving the residence.

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