Bathroom Meetings

Start from the beginning


The next day was almost the same as the first with Geten being sent out again to look around the outside. Geten focused his sights on the area of wall near the entrance where they were driven inside. The entrance had its massive door shut, locking out the clearing leading to the outside.

Geten frowned as he spent hours walking up and down the wall to find any weak spot near the door, at the bottom of the door, and climbing up as high as he could to see if there was anything he could find.

But there was absolutely nothing except the rumbling of his empty stomach. The emptiness in his stomach drew him back to the house where the therapist was waiting with a warm pot of comforting chicken soup.

Lunch seemed like the only break he would get that day. Since Hanabata and Chikazoku seemed like they were watching his every move like he would strike against him at any moment.

And that night was spent in the bathroom yet again with the only difference being Geten fighting off the urge to sleep on the fluffy bathroom rug.

Chikazoku sighed, "As far as my report goes, I tried to use any electronic I could to try and send out something encoded to anyone who would listen and come to us. But I could barely do anything with the television and everything else only allowed me to change the time." The longer haired man placed his chin on his palm. "It's useless unless I can find something that can actually reach out to the outside world."

"Maybe it's somewhere with the therapist. So that means you need me to butter him up," Hanabata said with a smile. "And I'm doing just fine in that department."

"You mean when you asked him about his morning during lunch? Yeah, really awesome manipulation tactic there," Kizuki stated. She smiled with wide eyes like an overexcited toddler discovering street magic. "You'll get him in no time."

Hanabata stared at her with a calm expression, yet his eyes spelled a different story, "And I have no doubt he'll give you the most entertaining story for you to put on the headlines. Oh wait, you don't have your journalism job anymore."

"And you're no longer the 'peaceful politician'," Kizuki argued back with a glare along with a smile. "We're all out of jobs. Except Geten. He didn't even have a job."

Geten glared back at her, "I worked for the Meta Liberation just like all of you."

"Kid, we still had other jobs," Hanabata responded. "Even the boss was the Chief Executive of a company that he worked his butt off to get to the top. And he still found time to guide us towards our purpose of freely using our quirks."

Geten frowned, trying to speak up when Hanabata just ignored him and continued talking about his plan to butter up the therapist. "Even if I have to do a therapy session, I'll get something out of this."

"Hey, that's actually a good idea," Kizuki commented while she read the back of the shampoo ingredient list. "Ooh, moisturizing vitamins."

"Alright, Geten, you do that," Hanabata suggested.

Geten's eyes widened, "What? Why am I supposed to-"

"Because you're the youngest out of everyone," Kizuki said from behind him. Geten turned his head to stare at her. "He might have more pity for you compared to all of us."

"Plus," Chikazoku interrupted, "You might be able to spot what kind of stuff he has in his office. If he has any kind of laptop or phone, I could get into the network and send a message."

Geten opened his mouth to say, "Don't—"

Chikazoku continued without pause, "And when you do that, tell us all you can."

Izuku is a Therapist for the Meta Liberation ArmyWhere stories live. Discover now