First Visitors

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After nearly an hour of trudging through the Dread Forest, the Sheikah finally found their moment of respite once finally reached the forest's edge. But their journey through the murderous woods was far from kind. With the injuries some them sustained along with the dangerous trek through the woods, a few loss consciousness and fainted. Against the better judgment of others, the elves carried their unconscious bodies, significantly slowing them down.

Paya: We made it, but I'm worried about our injured.

The village chief remarked solemnly, looking at her people with an anxious expression. Purah looked back at the group of 38 refugees. A huff left her lips, seeing the unconscious and injured Sheikah.

Paya: What are we going to do?

Purah: We stop at Mount Dovah to rest. We mend everyone's wounds, and leave in twenty.

Paya: But what if some of their wounds are too severe?

She knew her niece would ask that. Purah took off her glasses and pinched the bridge of her nose. She knew what had to be done, but it was something that she would have to live with for the rest of her elven life.

Purah: If it comes down to that... then we have to leave them behind.

Paya: What?!

Paya exclaimed, appalled by the idea.

Paya: Absolutely not! We lost so many already! I am not losing any-

Purah: Think rationally, Paya!

Purah barked at her, putting her glasses back on.

Purah: We don't have the supplies to treat them for the long run, and they'll only be slowing us down.

Every word Purah spat, added another once of hatred towards herself. She figured Paya might've felt the same way, as she stared at her in appalled disbelief. Purah turned around, not having the stomach to face her niece in the eye.

Purah: I don't like this anymore than you do... But we'll all die, or be enslaved if we don't-...

Purah stopped mid sentence, as something in the distance caught her eye. Paya walked up behind her, worriedly.

Paya: What is it?

Purah: Was... was that always there?

She asked pointing at the lone mountain in the distance. Paya looked where she was pointing, and her mouth fell agape.

Atop the mountain was a massive and dark castle, gothic in design, with eerie lights shinning through some of the plentiful windows. Down the side of the mountain was a trail of stone brick stairs, trailing up from the ground and to a path that lead the large wooden doors that were the entrance to the great fortress.

 Down the side of the mountain was a trail of stone brick stairs, trailing up from the ground and to a path that lead the large wooden doors that were the entrance to the great fortress

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Flabbergasted, Paya managed to sputter out a response.

Paya: I-I-I-I was out here just the other day! I've never seen that castle there before! Where did it come from!?

Supreme Supremacy (Strange Supreme/Gamer reader x MultiCrossover Fantasy World) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant