After Louis' done they think about what they should do for the day. 

"We could go to the pool?" 

"What pool," Louis frowns. 

"You've been here for like 4 days and you haven't noticed each lodge has a pool at the back?" Harry asks. 

Louis scoffs, "No! What are you? A millionaire,  fucking ridiculous." 

"Don't be so judgmental," Harry tightens his jaw, "My dad actually worked hard for this." 

Louis rolls his eyes but feels like this is a sore subject, "A pool does sound good though, I'll go change." 

Harry takes a patient breath once Louis left. He's so Louis sometimes. He used to be very endeared with that side of him but it's hard to not just slap him in the face now when he's rude. 

He's done washing Louis' dishes by the time the latter has changed. 

"Could you- uh maybe do my back?" 

"I have to since you burn like you're actually on the sun."

"Hey! We found out the sunscreen was out of date, not my fault," Louis crosses his arms and stumps his foot a bit. 

Harry chuckles because he doesn't look nowhere near intimidating. More like a mad bunny who stomps his foot. 

"Wait another 10 minutes so it won't wash off," Harry tells him when he's done. 

"Yes, mom," Louis mocks him. 

"You're such a child," Harry scoffs, handing him the sunscreen and turning around without any words. 

Louis chuckles, "That's why I said mom, now get your curls off your back." 

Harry bends forward and puts his hair into a quick bun forgetting Louis is right behind him. The latter's breath hitches when Harry bends and looks away as fast as he could but the image will be stuck in his brain for quite some time he figures. 

He clears his throat before applying the sunscreen. 


Louis didn't expect it but they're actually having fun today. His hangover subsided pretty quickly when he drank half a gallon of water and now they're relaxing in the pool. 

"Why are you sitting on the side?" Louis asks, scrunching his nose, who the fuck sits on the side when there's a pool. 

Harry's also looking ridiculous in his tiny yellow swimming trunks. Ridiculously hot some would say. 

(some is clearly Louis.)

"Because I don't want my skin getting pruney, I don't like it." 

"Pruney is most definitely not a word, Harold. And you're ruining the fun, you should be in the pool." 

"And do what? Float around, waiting for you to drown me?" 

"I would not drown you," Louis frowns, "Not here and now, that is. You know where your family would find you after you were supposed to be hanging with me all day. That would be setting up my own trap." 

"Ah, when shall I suspect my death then?" Harry asks, playing along. 

"Maybe during a night swim when everyone thinks I went to bed early and you went out to the sea alone. I'd bring you deep enough so you wouldn't wash ashore immediately."

"You thought that through, should I be worried?" 

Louis shrugs, "I don't know, Styles. Are you?"

"Not quite, the day you gain the force to drown me I'll be dead already." 

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