Chapter 8: Snow sprites and Another Goddess

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Cleetus wakes up

Cleetus Jr: Huh?

He looks around.

Cleetus Jr: Where am I?

He realizes where he is at. He is where he began his new life.

Cleetus Jr: Oh, right...I-

Fiddlepat: Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! How did we get this far already?!

RUST_010: Dude! Why did you pause life?!

Chuck Lloyd: You will see why Fiddlepat, you will see... Wait, we're not supposed to be here

Fiddlepat: What do you mean?

RUST_010: He's right! We're not supposed to know about this part yet! We have to go! Fiddlepat unfreeze life now! Actually no! Chuck! Reverse time!

Chuck_Lloyd: Got it!

Kazuma: *in his mind* After the battle with Verdia, a leader in the Devil king's army, the season turned to winter. That day, I groaned wholeheartedly, as if I were coughing up blood:

He slams his fists on the table.

Kazuma: I want money!

Aqua: Huh?! That's something everybody wants! At any rate, you're far too resourceful! You make a Goddess like myself sleep in a stable every single night!

Cleetus Jr: Hey, don't forget me

Cleetus came with a beer in his hands.

Aqua: Hi cleetus

Cleetus Jr: Hello

Aqua: Anyway Kazuma, Aren't you ashamed of yourself? If you understand that, then give me more luxury! Spoil me more!

Fiddlepat: Gold digger alert!

RUST_010: This is the woman you like Cleetus?

Chuck_Lloyd: I'm surprised she didn't use you for your money yet

Cleetus Jr: I hide it from my team!

Kazuma: Do you not get why I want more money?

Aqua: huh?

Kazuma: The debt!

Aqua gasps and Cleetus takes a sip from his drink. 

Kazuma: Thanks to the debt you've racked up, Most of the reward money we earn from every quest is deducted to repay those debts! Just this morning, when I awoke in the straw of the stable, my eyelashes were frozen solid! If we keep sleeping in that stable, I'm going to freeze to death!

Aqua slams her hands on the table.

Aqua: I can't help it! This city may have perished in that battle with Verdia if not for my outstanding efforts! You should exalt me more! all of you should praise me, praise me, and spoil me rotten!

Cleetus Jr: Don't forget me and the boys! besides Chuck of course

He sips on his drink again.

Kazuma: You attention whore! If your feats were that outstanding, then the rewards, accolades, and debt are all yours! Pay off your debts on your own. Come on Cleetus!

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