I cross my arms under my boobs, hoping to give Billie a good view, "I'm ticklish."

She chuckles, "I'll be gentle."

"No!" I exclaim with a smile, "That's what makes it tickle!!"

"Oh god," she concedes, "Fine, get your own armpits later."

I uncross my arms and Billie places her sudsy hands on my waist, lathering around my back and over my stomach. When she reaches my boobs, she looks up at me.

"Yes," I blush.

She smiles to herself and runs her hands over my boobs, massaging them a couple times before working her way further down my body. She grazes my ass and I bite my lip as I let her work.

She drags her hands down my thighs and calves, but I tell her to stop at my feet.

"What?" She asks.

"I'm ticklish there too," I say, nervous about her proximity to the sensitive area.

She smirks to herself, "Okay, Princess."

She finishes washing my body with the soap and I rinse off in the water.

I apply the soap to Billie's body, and make conversation as I work.

"So, that was fun," I start.

Billie hums, "The sex you mean?"

"Yeah," I blush, running my hands down her stomach.

"It was fun," she agrees, "What did you like most?"

"Oh- Uh, I'm not sure. Why?"

I get on my knees and rub her thighs with the bubbles, feeling my mouth begin to water.

"Well, I want to know what to do again next time," she says, petting my hair.

I bite my lip, staying on my knees as I contemplate, "I really liked when you said you'll take care of me. It was just really sexy for some reason."

Billie hums, "Good to know, anything else?"

"I really liked how much you teased me before you started actually fucking me," I look down at my hands, "It was kinda torturous but it felt really good at the same time," I chuckle awkwardly.

Billie chuckles as well, seeming amused, "That's good, because I really love teasing you, Dez."

I look up at Billie from my kneeling position and reach out my hand, requesting assistance in standing up.

"What did you like most, Billie?"

Billie smiles as she helps me stand, "I loved watching you visibly relax after I touched your pussy," she bites her lip in thought, "And I kept asking you questions mostly because I loved hearing you struggle to speak."

My heart rate quickens as I hear Billie's words and I grow bashful, feeling a bit embarrassed by it all.

"That's nice," I say quietly, trying to avoid my inevitable blush.

Billie wraps her arms around my bare torso, pulling me in, "It was very nice," she chuckles, "Now let me get under that warm water. It's cold over here."

I oblige and move out of the way.

For the rest of that week, I was concealing my hickey every morning and failing at keeping my thoughts of Billie to a minimum.

Flashbacks would pop into my head at the most inconvenient times, mostly when talking to Billie. She could tell right away when my mind went somewhere else, and would tease me about it relentlessly.

Despite thinking about her plenty, I didn't get to see her very much. She missed a couple days of school for a red carpet event, and I was left in math class with nothing but a page of logarithmic equations to solve and memories of Monday evening to keep my company.

Now, I sit on my computer, looking at pictures from said red carpet and wondering how I got so lucky.

"Happy Friday!" My mom shouts from downstairs, making a ruckus as she enters the house.

I smile to myself and shut my computer, heading downstairs to see what the commotion is about.

"How was your day at school?" She asks, opening the fridge to see what we could eat for dinner tonight.

"Pretty boring," I say, "Billie wasn't there, so I hung out with other people I don't like as much."

She stands back up, "You haven't been hanging out with Mia lately. Everything okay between you two?"

I shrug, "I made friends with Billie, and Mia didn't like that much. She started acting really possessive, so I pulled away."

My mom tilts her head at me, "Oh, I'm so sorry, Hun. It's hard to lose friends."

My heart drops. Lose Mia?

I didn't ever realize that might happen. Mia and I have been friends since Kindergarten; that can't end with one fight, can it?

"Yeah," I say shortly, "Need any help?"

My mom shakes her head, "Its just you and me for dinner tonight; I've got it handled."

I nod, "Okay, I'll be up in my room."

She smiles warmly, "Sounds good."

I walk back upstairs and sit on my bed. I contemplate what my mom said about losing Mia. I think of all the fun we've had together, and start to wonder how things might change between us if I came out to her.

Maybe it would get better.

I would call Billie and talk it out with her, but she's at a meet and greet right now, and shouldn't be home until late.

For the couple weeks we've known each other, she's had what feels like endless free time to hang out, but that's quickly changing. She plans to start a tour around America in the summer, and I worry how I'll fit into such a lifestyle.

I realize my thoughts are going down an anxious path, and take a deep breath, reminding myself about the months we have until summer, and the strong bond between Mia and I. I know that I am capable of dealing with any obstacle that comes my way, but only if I look at them one step at a time.

I can't talk to Billie right now, so I make a mental note to do that later. I can talk to Mia, though.

I send a text, "Hey, Mia. I know we had an argument last week, but I love you a lot. I want to see you sometime soon and catch up :)"


Hello!! It's been a bit since I last updated this book and tbh I have no excuse other than Minecraft is addicting.

I did update on my other acc though, and might do that more often now that some people actually seem to like it.

Questioning//BILLIE EILISHWhere stories live. Discover now