26. The Aftermath

Start from the beginning

"Originally, us guys were against it because we didn't want the audience to gaze at the women as meat," Sam added in. When did he come in?

Gabe nodded, "Yeah but the girls really wanted it and we eventually gave in. When it was Darling Chainz's first anniversary, all the guys were worried, we even put bouncers on the stage, yeah there was a few last night, but in the early events, there were more. The girls won when the event was a huge hit."

Sam added, "Every event is recorded. Sometimes when the anniversary date falls in on a closed day, we have the event on a big holiday. Like two years ago, we held the event on Christmas. Alice was the main dancer and singer on that one. Every year, the main dancer and singer is different, with a few exceptions. Any female staff volunteers to be the main one. Nominees and votes are cast when no one volunteers or there's more than one willing. Like Alice was the main one on Darling Chainz's first anniversary. Two years ago, no female wanted to be the main one and all the females agreed on Alice being the main one. You're not forced to participate on the event, it's supposed to be fun not something you hate. Fortunately, all the staff members love it."

Before I could stop myself, I asked, "Can I have a copy of the videos when Alice was the main one?"

Gabe and Sam stared at me in shock, before Sam smirked, "Of course. Meet me before your shift for the day ends."

I gave him a nod and took table three's tray to them. Luckily the food was still warm.


It was around 9 and I sat in my room, watching the videos. Alice was at work, working her last shift for the day. I already watched the first anniversary event video and Alice looked hella freaking cute. I can point out all the differences from the Alice in the video and the current Alice.

Alice's hair was shorter and it didn't have the dyed red tips. She had her nose piercing but not her belly button piercing...the one I love tugging with my tongue. Moving on, Alice was slightly shorter...heh she didn't grow much. Not that I'm complaining, our cuddles are perfect. It also seems that she had slight curves...curves that are ample now.

My breathe was taken away in the second video, the one from two years ago. Alice's hair was longer, the tips were dyed. Her belly button was also pierced. Her curves were slightly more full. But that wasn't what took my breathe away. It was the fact that this Christmas edition event was erotic as f**k.

All the females were in red, bunny costumes, no not the ugly one that the Easter bunny wears. But the seductive ones...the ones that look like bathing suits. All the females wore red, bunny costumes with a fluffy, white hem. They had white fluffy collars around their necks and cuffs on their wrists. They even had a fluffy white garter around one of their thighs. On their head, they had fluffy white bunny ears.

Alice's costume was a bit different, since she was the lead. She had a red, bunny costume with fluffy white fringes, too. But Alice also had a skirt, one that was short and flowy...very flowy. It twirled away with every move Alice took. One of the ears in her bunny ears head wear was folded. She wore the same cuffs, garter, and collar as the other girls.

But man...they way Alice danced and sang...stunning, just stunning. At this one point, she bent really low and f**k, her freaking cleavage...ahhh need another cold shower. And don't get me started at this one part, where she did this weird step-step-back then a full wiggle or something. It had her skirt flying and the bottom of the bathing suit had everyone whistling.

"What are you watching?"

I nearly fell off my bed. I stared at Alice in shock. I'm not sure if this is worse than the time Conner's sister caught me fapping to porn...

I mean I'm not fapping right now, but who ogles their girlfriend off a past video.

"I...er...well...Sam..." I couldn't form a sentence!

Alice sat down next to me, "Oh hey, that's the event from two years ago!" She was laughing...she was actually laughing about this.

I stared at her in wary, wondering if she's mad or just went crazy.

Alice stared at me confused, "What? Why are you looking at me like that?"

"You're not mad that I'm watching?"

Alice shook her head, "Well no. Oh this brings back so much memories. Do I look different?"

Finally relaxing a bit, I shook my head. I hugged her close to me, "Not that different, just more beautiful."

Alice blushed a bit, looking down at her hands.

I leaned down and kissed her soft, sweet lips.

Alice leaned into me, "I'm still sore."

I rubbed her back and laughed, "I know, beautiful, I know." I kissed the top of her head and muttered my apology. And we watched the rest of the video cuddling against each other.


The conditioner thing...that's a true story...well at least for me it is...please don't give me any weird looks *runs away and hides*

Thank you so much for reading. :D Have a nice day/afternoon/evening/night.

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