Chapter 4

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I walked into my bathroom so I could shower before school.

I finished my shower and walked back into my room to get dressed for school.

I end up wearing a red sweater, glasses, blue jeans and white shoes.

I walked out of my room closing the door and then I went downstairs

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

I walked out of my room closing the door and then I went downstairs.

I sat down at the table yawning and then pouring my cereal.

I didn't eat it all I could think about was how fat I was.

"You sick?" Ian asked me

"Yeah." I sighed

I finished my breakfast and grabbed my bag walking out of the front door.

Jess came and I got into the car as I looked out of the window.

We made it to school and I got out of the car as he locked it.

I walked to my first class which was maths and sat down at the back.

I opened my book and I zoned out looking out of the window.

The bell went and I got up grabbing my bag and then walking out.

I walked to my next class which was English and sat down at the back.

I opened my book and I put my head down on the table.

The bell went and I got up grabbing my bag and then walking out.

I walked to the cafeteria sitting down and waiting for my friends.

"Hey." Eden smiled

"Hey." Chelsea sat down

"I'm here." Jess said

"Me as well." Hayden smiled

I was silent I just sat there and listened to them all talk.

The bell went and I got up grabbing my bag and then walking out.

"You okay you were quiet?" Eden said

"Just tired." I fake smiled

"Okay." She smiled back

Ian unlocked the car and I got in looking out of the window.

We made it back home and I got out of the car as he locked it.

I walked inside putting my bag down and I walked upstairs.

I laid down on my bed sobbing as I just held onto my pillows.

"Tea." Jason called

I walked out of my room closing the door and then I went downstairs.

"I'm not hungry." I said

"You gotta eat." He said

"Fine." I said angrily

I sat down at the table picking at my food and then I put my plate aside.

Him and I Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang