Chapter 5

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Three weeks later...

It's been three weeks since I've eaten any major food and I'm now slowly losing weight.

I've been picking at my food and then throwing it up again.

I know it's unhealthy but it makes me happy which I think is important.

I was 75kg and now I'm finally down to 65 which I'm glad about.

I went from a size 14 to a size 10-12 which made me happy.

Thankfully it's school break so none of my friends have seen me.

They keep asking to hang out but I can't get out of my bed much.

I woke up the next morning and slowly got out of my bed.

I walked into my bathroom so I could shower before the day.

I finished my shower and walked back into my room to get dressed for the day.

I end up wearing glasses, a sweater, black jeans and white shoes.

I walked out of my room closing the door and then I went downstairs

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I walked out of my room closing the door and then I went downstairs.

"Morning." Jason said

"Morning." I groaned

"We need to talk." He said

"Okay?" I said confused

"Ethan, Peyton and Ian can you all please come in here." He said

They all walked into the room and Peyton was now looking at me shocked.

"Woah you've lost weight." She said

"That's why we need to talk." Jason said

"Have you been eating at all?" He asked me

"Of course I've just been working out in my room guys." I lied

"Are you sure?" Jason said

"Yes." I said angrily

"I've just been limiting how much food I can have and what I eat." I said

"Okay good." He said

"Because you know not eating is very dangerous and can make you sick." He said

"I'm not an idiot." I said

"Okay go on then." He said

I walked back upstairs to my room closing the door and I slid down it.

Tears streamed down my face as I put my head in my knees.

Two days later...

I started school again tomorrow which I was happy about.

I woke up the next morning and slowly got out of my bed.

I walked into my bathroom so I could shower before school.

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