19. The Fox and the Cherry Blossom

Start from the beginning

Everyone present in the arena was shocked at this piece of information. 

"Jiraya sama," Kakashi said in a concerned voice. "Did you know all of this?" 

Jiraya who was looking at the match with keen interest was also shocked at Sakura's knowledge. 

"Yes. I knew about this." He confirmed.

"Then, why didn't you warn Naruto about it?" Kakashi barked angrily while the white-haired man sighed.

"Believe me, I was planning to teach Naruto about this but I thought that it would be ok to teach him about it later. Turns out that I was wrong." Jiraya muttered. "At least, it would be an experience for him and knowing him, he will try to find ways to enhance his abilities."

Both were unaware that Tenten, Neji and Hinata's concerns about Naruto.

N-Naruto Kun. Hinata thought sadly.

"COME ON NARUTO!" Neji, who was discharged from the Hospital shouted.

"YOU IDIOT!" Tenten shouted, catching Naruto's attention. "YOU ALWAYS KNOW HOW TO GET OUT OF THE TRICKY SITUATIONS. COME ON, YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!" 

Naruto's eyes widened as he heard her yell. A smile appeared on his lips as Sakura just smirked.

"You know... you are correct about my weakness. But what you don't seem to be aware of is that *I am not the real one." Naruto said before bursting into multiple crystal blades. 

Sakura crossed her arms and brought them to her face to protect herself. 

As soon as the crystal barrage ended, Sakura saw a hole in the ground. 

She smirked before bringing her fist to the ground breaking the whole ground apart and creating a big earthquake causing a lot of chaos which was ultimately brought under control by the jonins.

Huh? He is not here? Sakura thought as her smirk turned into a frown. 

She started sniffing in the air in an attempt to smell out the blood only to fail miserably.

Suddenly a shadow fell on Sakura and when she looked up, she saw Naruto holding a huge crystal hammer in his hands. 

Sakura quickly stepped back as the hammer fell heavily to the ground. But what she didn't take into account was the sudden appearance of crystal rocks from the ground knocking her out almost immediately.

Genma walked towards Sakura to check her but upon finding her unfit to fight any longer he raised his hands and declared "Sakura will be unable to fight anymore. Naruto is the winner of this match." 

For a moment, there was no sound as Naruto put back his hammer into his body before raising his hands in victory. That's when the screams of joy showered upon Naruto who ran across the stadium lifting his hand to touch the hands of the spectators.

"Unfortunately, it seems that the ground has been destroyed. Since it is unusable, we have no choice but to postpone the other matches to a later date." Genma announced.

Damn it. I was hoping to attack the Leaf after the end of the competition. Seems like I have no choice. Orochimaru thought before looking at Gaara who was slowly turning insane. He saw the blood-chilling glare Gaara was giving to the crowd. Seems like I have to do it now. 

Orochimaru suddenly grabbed Hiruzen and levitated themselves into the air while clutching the kunai against the old man's throat.

"THE SANDAIME!" One of the anbus shouted. 

That's when Gaara finally snapped and turned into a monster. 

Confusion, chaos and screams reigned through the air of Konoha as the Oto nins came down like hawks before feathers fell down rendering almost everyone unconscious. 

"KAI!" The shouts reigned in the still air and silence as the nins managed to get rid of the Genjutsu before counterattacking the invasive forces from Oto and Suna.

Naruto, who was already warned by Obito just remained calm and started observing the situation. 

He saw Kakashi busy battling against the invasive forces along with GUy, Kurenai and Asuma. Jiraya had left to protect the Sandaime against Orochimaru. Genma was the only ninja who was near to him so he decided to take orders from Genma.

"Proctor san," Naruto called out as Genma looked at Naruto.

"NARUTO! I NEED YOU TO GATHER SOME NINJAS AND STOP THE ICHIBI JINCHURIKKI NOW!" Genma shouted as he stabbed a ninja in his stomach.


"Affirmative," Genma replied only to see Naruto had already disappeared.

He saw Neji and Tenten marching to battle against the sound 4. He hailed them and told them about Genma's orders to stop Gaara. 

He suddenly saw Shikamaru sleeping on the ground. 

That idiot! Naruto facepalmed. Sleeping in the middle of the battle. Wait! I have an idea to teach that lazy idiot a lesson. 

Naruto quickly formed a ram seal and slammed it into the sleeping Nara's butt.

For a moment nothing happened as Tenten and Neji looked at Naruto in a deadpan manner.

Suddenly, Shikamaru jumped up yelling in pain as he held his butt while dancing. 

"You Idiot! Sleeping after getting rid of a genjutsu. How lazy are you?" Tenten exclaimed angrily.

"How troublesome," Shikamaru muttered as he rubbed his hand against his butt trying to cool down his pain.

"I am activating Byakugan to track Gaara right now!" Neji yelled before he saw everyone looking at him weirdly. "What's wrong?" 

Naruto just facepalmed before pointing towards the East. 

Neji followed his finger before realising what an idiot he was while Tenten just laughed.

"Never knew that Hyuugas were foolish as well." Tenten laughed as she also facepalmed.

"Who is he? A blind Hyuuga?" Hagoromo joked as he looked at the events unfolding in a crystal ball.

"DON'T INSULT MY DESCENDENT" Hamura shouted as Hagoromo just laughed. 

"Look at your descendants. One is a Crazy clan of Fucking wheeled eyes while the other one is a clan filled with nothing but idiots who are quite dense."
Hagoromo just continued to laugh as Hamura was speaking the truth.

Kakashi: Well, this chapter is filled with parodies and humour.

Obito: Well, You know how Shay san is. SO it's no surprise.

Kakashi: Anyways, the invasion has begun and Shay san would like to announce that he will be changing the events significantly. 

Obito: Shay san will also try to prevent the war as he thinks that it is too cliched as well. 

Kakashi: After all, the main aim of this book is to steer away from the cliches.

Obito: You may hate Shay san for giving a serious weakness to Naruto. For that kind of person, he has a question for you.

Kakashi: Would you rather see an overpowered but boring Naruto or Naruto who has his own strengths and weakness and trying to overcome his weakness? 

Obito: On the other news, Shay san will be uploading more frequently as he has got summer holidays from school.

Kakashi: So, rejoice comrades!

Obito: And usual, keep reading and...

Kakashi: PEACE OUT!!!!!!!!

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