"They could be involved. She did come up with the theory after all."

"Yeah and so did Voight. I don't see you blaming a white guy." Said Jay as he stepped in front of me.

"Back down, Detective. I'm just sharing my theory."

"It wasn't wanted." Snapped Hank.

"We've already notified the school and I've dropped off the files of all teachers to your precinct."

"We can notify Sofia and Diego too if you want." Suggested some guy.

"No, we can do it."

"Alright but when you bring them in, I want to talk to them."

"Bring them in?"

"Yes. They could be suspects."

"Kidnapp their own family?" Asked Antonio.

"You want to bring in them too?" Asked Jay as he looked towards a white couple who had food from Mama's Truck.

"No. Why would we need to?" Asked the man.

"What are you going to do? Round up all the Latinos and ask them what they saw?" I asked.

"If it comes to it, then yeah." Responded Molly.

"As police officers of Chicago, we don't judge and we certainly aren't racist." Said Kevin.

"Racist? Is that what you think I am?" Asked Molly.

Antonio had left to take a phone call a few minutes before and then came back.

"I've just found out from Diego that the twins didn't attend that school because most of the teachers were racist."

"So what are we dealing with?" Asked the man.

"A Latino gang has taken them to teach the teachers a lesson and do god knows what to the children." Explained Antonio.

"I want you two off the case." Said the man.

"Who even are you?" Asked Kim.

"Detective Chris Greenwood."

"Great. A married couple."

"Siblings actually." Said Molly.

"This is my case and I say who goes and stays. You two can go." Said Hank towards Molly and Chris.

"You guys will need to work together. So I am sorry but no one is kicking anyone off the case." Said their Sargent as he joined us.

"These two could jeopardise the case." Said Chris.

"Or they can go undercover at the gang leaders strip club and get information." Said Sargent Mark Bills.

"Fine." Agreed Chris and Molly.

"Hank? Can the Greenwood's stay?" Asked Mark.

"Fine." Said Hank.

Jay and I walked back to his car and he drove us back to the district.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah I'm fine. Thanks for what you did back there." I said.

"No problem. I was wondering if after this case, you would maybe like to go on a date with me." Suggested Jay.

"Oh a date? With the famous Jay Halstead?" I fake gasped.

"Yes. You could say that." Laughed Jay.

"Yes. I would love too."

When we got inside, Jay and I were joking around and pushing each other as I accidentally bumped into Molly.

"Sorry." I said.

"You watch it! I could get you kicked off this case or worse make sure you never work as a cop again. Do you understand me?" She said.

"Chill. She only bumped into you." Said Jay.

"And if I get shot because you can't protect me because of that. I will bury you." Added Chris as he looked at Jordan's arm.

"Hey! I always protect my people, no matter what. I will jump in front of a bullet to save a friend or even a civilian. Don't you dare try and judge my skills as a cop just because of my bionic arm." I snapped.

"Oh yeah. Who did you protect?" Asked Molly.

"I jumped in front of a bullet to save Dawson, my partner, on my first day. Plus, I served in the Rangers for three years."

"But you couldn't save that friend of yours could you?" Said Chris.

"Who? James?" Asked Jay.

"No I meant Leslie." Said Chris before he dropped to the floor.

I turned round to see Kelly shaking his hand and squeezing his knuckles.

"Did you just hit him?" Asked Jay.

"Yeah." Huffed Kelly.

"You're under arrest for the assault of a police officer." Said Molly as she pulled out handcuffs.

"Not even going to check on your partner?" Asked Antonio as he walked passed laughing.

"I'm protecting him by arresting the prick who hurt him."

"I'm the prick, am I? You are rude and racist towards Jordan and Antonio. Not to mention what you just said about Shay." Said Kelly as he rolled his eyes.

"Give Shay my best." Said Molly.

I went to hit her but Jay held me back. I tried to get past him but he blocked my path and then chucked me over his shoulder and carried me upstairs.

"You better watch what you say or you and I are gonna have a problem!" Shouted Antonio as he walked up the stairs, blocking Kelly from going back down.

"What are you doing?" Asked Hank.

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