Love Mixed With Hurt

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"I can't continue living like this. You can go meet your sister whenever you want. You stay over at her place but I can't. You allow me to see him only on raksha bandhan and that too only for 1 hour and it doesn't matter to you if I don't get to see m brother due to traffic or any other reason. If I miss the hour then I have to wait for another whole year, to see him and hug him. I've only talked to him through the phone all these years because you wanted it but now its enough. You have to accept him as your sister's husband and let go of your ego" Sanskriti's eyes moistened. She sat down on the sofa, crying.

"Its him or me. You can only choose one of us, me or Sanskar" Omkar asked her to choose.

"OMKAR!!" All the elders of the house looked at him angrily.

"You can't tell her to choose" Rekha said slapping him. Sanskriti looked at him with a broken heart. With the little energy in her, she walked to the room and packed her belongings. With the suitcase she walked towards the main door. Omkar looked at her questioningly while the others tried to stop her.

"I've chosen you for past 20 years and today you still ask me this. Couldn't you have asked me this earlier atleast I would have always had my brother by my side. Today, I choose my brother over you. Not just today, everyday I'll choose my brother over you, every minute, every second I will choose him over you" Sanskriti held him by his collars. Her hurt and anger flashed in her eyes. Omkar didn't say anything.

"Bhaii" Gauravi came rushing inside the house, running happily. Sanskriti saw her brother standing at the gate with a sad smile. Gauravi's eyes fell on Sanskriti's suitcase. She looked around to notice that something wrong happened. Sanskriti ran down the stairs and pulled her brother inside with her. Sanskar tried to stop her from doing anything wrong. Gauravi moved away from Omkar an stood beside Sanskar.

"I wish my brother was as cruel as you. I wish he would have refused you to see Gauravi after what you did to me but no.. he had to be the big one here. He allowed you to spend time with your sister despite every tear I shed for you. Between Gauravi and I, there isn't much difference, she lost her everything due to my brother while I lost everything due to you. We both were ruined due to men we loved the most. You 2 are same in every aspect but one. He understood your love for Gauravi but you couldn't. You couldn't respect my relations" She pulled Sanskar infront of Omkar and repeatedly compared them until she pointed out that Omkar was narrow-minded.

"Bhaii" Gauravi looked at Omkar with tears. Omkar's brotherly instincts immediately told him to pull her in ahug. He walked to her but she took a step behind with his every step forward.

"You three never accepted him as my husband, but I was fine with it but keeping a sister away from her brother is not fair. When I have forgiven him then you all should too. Today, you have three kids because Sanskar wanted his sister to be happy, and bhabhi's happiness was always you. He took a step back and let go of his ego for her than why can't you? " Gauravi asked crying.

"All of you stop preaching me about what's right and what's wrong. If you had so much knowledge than why did you do these mistakes. Sanskriti I am asking you once again, him or me?" Omkar looked at Sanskriti with anger. 

"Him, always him" She started taking steps towards the entrance with her suitcase.

"If you walk out of this house with him, then our relation is over" Sanskriti immediately turned back and looked at him. Sanskar pushed Sanskriti inside the house. He didn't want to be the reason to her sadness again. Gauravi looked at her brother incredulously. 

"It was already over when you asked me to choose" Sanskriti answered balancing her tears.

"Our relation is over too" Gauravi walked away from the house alongside Sanskriti. Rivaah and Pranali looked at their husbands with the same plea.

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