Chapter 10- Foggy windows

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We continue to makeout heavily, passionitly, like we've been craving it for years, only stopping when we run out of breath, this makeout session continues for another 5 minutes, each others hands all over the other, bruised mouths, lipstick everywhere, Riley's hand up my shirt, hers half unbuttoned. Kissing her way down my neck, my hand tangled up in her hair. The windows completely fogged up by this point.

This continues and keeps escalating until there's a knock on the window

We separate for a second and catch our breath, then roll down the window.

"Hey so mom said that there was a strange car in the driveway and made me come check it out, OH MY GOD, IS THAT-"

"Oh my god, uh jane I'll tell you everything later ok, just tell mom my friend is dropping me off again and we went shopping." I reply to janes shock and concern

"Rodger that." Jane adds and then heads into the house.

"Well fuck, now I have to go." I say to Riley, disappointed that this didn't have enough time to turn into something else. 

"It's okay, um shit let me gut your stuff for you," Riley says giving me my bag I brought with me. 

"Here you go, ow-" Riley says handing me the bag, but accidently hitting her head on the roof of the car.

"Thank you, are you ok?" I say holding back my laughter.

"Yeah I'm fine" Riley says smiling, and going back to the drivers side.

"I'll see you tomorrow!" I say as I get out, but then lean back into the car for one last kiss before Riley has to leave. We kiss again, and then I realize I have to go so I don't look suspicious. 


"Bye." We both smile wide and I get out of the car for the last time today. I wave goodbye to her as she pulls the car out, and then I walk back up to the house, and even though I should be afraid of everything that could go wrong I'm not, because everything just went right.

We fell in love in DecemberWhere stories live. Discover now