Chapter 1- Home for the holidays

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You were on your way to your parent's house. You were nervous because you hadn't seen them in around 5 years. Last time you were there you had longer hair and dressed a little differently. A lot had changed but you were still family.

Your style wasn't the only different thing, you were different too. Over five years you realized you were gay. You always knew your sister Harper was gay, and you didn't want to ruin her coming out to the family, an occasion you hoped to have someday too, so you allowed her to come out first. 

She still hadn't come out so you thought that maybe this would be your year. You were tired of being polite she had every opportunity to do it but she never did. You felt like it was holding you back from being really you, and you were honestly tired of it.

After seventeen hours of driving 12 rest stops 5 restaurants, and 7 different playlists all listed as the same things but different variations of 'car, car#2, road trip', and the newest albums of your favorite artists.

You saw everyone's car was already there. This meant that you were the last one there, which made the situation even more awkward. 

You don't know what provoked you to finally come home for Christmas, but you think it was mainly the guilt, harper had been blowing up your phone the past couple of events begging you to come to any kind of holiday, but you just didn't feel welcome anymore, but you sucked it up and put all emotions and bias's towards the past.

You went up and knocked on the door. Your sister Sloane answered. "Oh my god, look who finally showed up! God, what happened we don't see you for a couple of years and you look like something the cat dragged in." Ah yes, the passive-aggressive sister, the only one who would casually throw shade.

 "Holy shit you actually came!" Harper said as she walked towards the door to see who was there. "Well you told me to come, and I felt bad so I did." You say. As you finished your sentence you hear Sloane slightly hum in agreement, as though you should feel guilty for not showing up.

Harper sighs knowing you lived up to your promise and wraps her arms around you in a tight embrace. A weird action of affection that you normally didn't receive from her.

Once you pulled out of the hug she said that you looked nice. She then took you to meet her supposed roommate. You could tell something was going on between the two of them. "Hi, I'm Abby." Harper's roommate' said "Hello I'm Y/n, Harper's sister." you responded. "Nice to mee-" Abby was cut off by your mother screaming.

"DINNER IN 20 MINUTES!" You were nervous to see how they would react to the new you. You quickly scrambled to find anything to make you look a little more presentable.

"What are you looking for?" Harper quietly whispered to you. "Anything to make me look better!" You whisper shouted at her. "Here take this it was supposed to be a Christmas present but you can have it now." She says digging in her purse for something

 She finds a black rectangular box and hands it to you. It's a necklace with a diamond heart on it. "Thank you so much," You say and give her a hug after putting the necklace on.

Shit. You were wearing a baggy sweater and sweatpants and your hair was all messy. "I'm going to go change I'll be back." You said. "Can I come? No offense but you can't fix all this in 20 minutes alone." Harper said politely. "HARPER! That was rude!" Jane tried to stick up for you. "It's fine. I probably couldn't" You laughed, and gave Jane a hug before you and harper ran off to fix whatever mess you had made.

"I'll be back Abby" Harper said before following you up the stairs. Harper worked on your hair while you picked an outfit. 

You were deciding between jeans and a corset top, and a mid-thigh dress, you settled for the jeans and corset top and grabbed your jacket before you headed out.

When you arrived at the restaurant, a large table was reserved for you. it was across from your friend Riley and her family's table. She looked pretty as always. You two had been friends since middle school. You went through a lot together. Seeing her had stirred up old memories of what had once happened. 

You pushed all the thoughts out of your mind and promised yourself you would just focus on tonight's dinner and not make a fool of yourself.

 You sat down next to jane, the farthest spot away from your parents as possible, and next to overall the best sister, she was usually overlooked and was always the second option, and you knew how that felt so you decided to always try and make her feel included.

"Y/n, Why are you wearing a big jacket inside?" Your dad said. "It's cold outside, Dad." You said deadpan trying not to make eye contact with anyone at the table, you could already feel all eyes on you, and, looking up wouldn't help your already lingering anxiety, "Well take the damn thing off we're inside now, you can't be that cold." He said. 

You were dreading this moment, You knew it was a bad idea to wear this shirt but you looked good in it so fuck it, you weren't here to appease your parents, and hold up the family image anymore.

"Oh christ!" your mother said. everyone just stared for a second, especially Harper's ex who randomly showed up to dinner Conner, "Nice tits." he said under his breath, Harper just glared at him.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom, just order me a water." You got up from the table and practically ran to the bathroom. You had been in a situation like this except for last time it didn't end with a panic in the bathroom it was a roofie at a party.

You had just shed a few tears recalling the memories of what happened last time you were in town when you heard the bathroom door open. You wiped your tears off and turned out of the mirror to see who it was.

"Oh, Hi Y/n. I didn't know you were in town."  she paused for a second before asking "were you just crying?" It was Riley. Shit.

A/n- Hey so I'm basically doing a rewrite of this whole book so here's the first part tell me what you think, love you, -L

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