Seungmin:  idc but yeah same 🐷

Jeongin: Wrong both of you, it's rabbit

Jinnie: Yeaahhh tell em innie 😙 💕

Jeongin: Ew the hearts

Jeongin: Also how many times have I told you to not call me that 💀

Jinnie: How many times have I not listened 😜

Jeongin: Gonna make me pull a Minho


"Damn ok but how did you Han Jisung even change Minho's mind?" Felix slips out with widened eyes,  looking at the mentioned ravenette. They're currently at the cafeteria where breakfast is being served. "It's got to do with that visit of his last night hmmm."

Jisung put down his strawberry milk, and eyes the blonde right beside him with a glare. "Ok before you get any funny ideas."

"This mind is hella corrupted it can't be helped." Felix admits, with his shoulders poking up.

"Yeah it was pretty crazy." Jisung began, with a soft grin at the memory.

"I love this already." Felix nodded fast, being the fan boy he is. "Go on."

"I mean he showed up out of nowhere to apologize." Jisung continued. "Then we talked, and he was there for some time, asked for water. Pretty surprising, I thought he would leave quick."

"Oooo." The intrigued Felix put his device down and moved closer, cupping his cheeks with a dreamy look plastered. "Did you guys talk about having a future togetherrr."

Jisung laughed and looked down at his pocket taking a pen out. "Wanna get stabbed?" He points it at the other.

"Oh!" Felix let out a gasp and clasped his hand to his chest, blinking rapidly like a flickering light.  "Wow Ji how'd you know?" Then he dropped his arm down. "Seriously though it's cool you got him to be ok with being added back in the chat fast. There's a power you possess."

Jisung tuts his tongue on the roof of his mouth, with a grin. "I just used words."

"Yeaahh from your heart filled with love for that guy." Felix cooed, tilting his head and jabbed Jisung on the arm with his finger, multiple times. "So cute."

"Ah shud up." Jisung spat giving Felix a playful push with a scrunched nose and earns a giggle from the blonde.

"Heeyy." When Hyunjin shows up, walking- well more like strutting towards them with an amused smile, definitely having to do with the news dropped onto him last night. Well on accident.

Instantly Jisung's face fell because he knew exactly what the other ravenette is going to bring up. "Oh my god I don't know you." Jisung rushes out quickly and stands up to leave.

"Hey hey calm down." Felix commands grabbing his arm and sits him back down. Jisung looking drained out as Hyunjin stops at their table just standing. 

"Sooo you gots a thing for Minhoo." Hyunjin throws out.

"No Changbin." Jisung replied sarcastically, looking up at him. "Yes it's Minho." He rolled his eyes.

"I'm pretty offended you didn't tell me." Hyunjin scoffed, folding his arms across that chest, and applying more weight on one leg. "Like why only felix."

"Because I'm Felix." The said blondy blonde answers pointing at his own freckled cheek.

"Exactly what he said." Jisung chimed with, pointing his thumb towards Felix. "You really weren't supposed to know."

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