4 - The Hideout on Tuesdays

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5 days before Chrissy

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5 days before Chrissy

I had spent the whole weekend thinking about what happened- well, more like what didn't happen. I was completely and utterly confused about what had gone on the previous Friday. Technically, nothing much had happened with Eddie, yet somehow everything felt completely different.

I wasn't sure what it was going to be like when I saw him again, and the nerves hung heavy on my mind on my way to school on Monday morning. I had Miss O'Donnell's first period, which meant that I was inevitably going to have to speak to Eddie if he had remembered to bring my notes. It turned out to be a bit more than that.

I was early, as usual, and sat down in my normal spot on the second row next to the window. I enjoyed looking out across the school grounds while I listened to her speaking. I was unpacking my backpack when I heard footsteps and a voice greeting me:

"Good morning Miss Henderson." It was clear who it was. I snapped my head up quickly to see Eddie coming towards me, his walk bouncy and way too enthusiastic for this time of the morning. He had my notes under his arm.

I smiled at him and nodded my head in his direction," Mr Munson," and he plonked himself down at the desk to my left, sitting sideways on the chair to face me. He did not usually sit there.

He held out a pile of notes towards me, and as I took them I noticed that the piece of paper on the top was most definitely not something that I had left at his house. It was a drawing. Before looking at it properly I pointed out its presence as I lifted my eyes to look at him.

"I don't think that's mine-" I began.

"No, it's a little thank you gift," he interrupted," or something like that. I did it when I took a break from looking at your notes yesterday." He had an expectant look on his face as he waited for me to look at it.

I put the rest of the paper down and picked up the drawing. It was a sort of sketch, with a guy and a girl stood next to each other, both with a guitar in their arms. The girl had a classical sort of guitar, and the guy had a uniquely shaped electric guitar. It was Eddie's guitar from his room. And he had long hair... it was Eddie. I looked back at the girl, and that's when I realised that it was me. I laughed out loud and looked back at him, and he was smiling at me.

"That's us," I stated the obvious.

He crossed his arms and leaned forward," yes it is."

Then I noticed something about it," wait a second, am I wearing one of your dorky club T-shirts?" I pointed at myself on the paper.

"Woah now, not dorky. You are wearing one of my very cool Hellfire T-shirts, yes," he corrected me.

"Did you come in early to give me this?" I asked. He was never in here until at least five minutes after class started, let alone before everybody else.

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