T H I R T Y - O N E

Start from the beginning

He can't know.

No one can ever know.

But I can't help but feel like that could change.

"I-I fell," Lie.

"Fell on what? Over what?" He doesn't believe me but isn't saying otherwise. He's leaning in closer; trying to imtimidate me? No, just trying to comfort me.

"A-At school, I fell over a bike." More lies. How pathetic is that?

You're the most pathetic thing I've ever seen.

No, please. I don't need this.

"Hmm," Is all he says. "Does it hurt?" I nod immediately, needing a pain relief. "Okay, I'll get you something." And he's gone. Again.


He was definitely not convinced by my lie. I've told many successful lies to teachers and peers and yet Elijah seems to be different.

It could be because I've told them so often that my skill has worn off or that my luck has run out and I have met my match.

My brother had given me a couple ice packs and two pills for the pain. I'm residing in my cosy room with Netflix on the tv. I'm resting on my cloud-like bed on my stomach with the ice on my back. I've managed to balance them pretty well and the cold is very soothing.

I don't know what time it is considering I've only been watching random shit. I can only guess it's late morning. Bear is MIA because when I came back to my room he wasn't here so I'm not sure where he is. I don't really care though, the pain has taken up most of my thinking.

So I lay dog-less and my eyes grow heavy from the pain killers. Lying is tiring and so is being in a constant battle with your own brain.

The room is so still yet everything swirls and comes crashing down when my head eventually flops onto my bed with exhaustion.



I was meant to be at work right now but I had something more important to do first. I needed to speak with my sorella about her trying to jump out of her window.

I've been thinking about it non-stop since it happened but I thought it'd be best if I give her some space before confronting the situation. She seemed stressed.

As I walk up the stairs to the hallway of our bedrooms, I cross paths with Luca. "Hey bro," he greets. "I was just about to grab a coffee, want one?" I shake my head, stopping him.

"No thanks, Luke. But I did want you to come with me though, to Belle's room." We were stood in the middle of the hall now.

"Why? What's wrong?" A worried look crossed over his face. I glanced at Isabella's door.

"I'm going to talk to her about the window incident," was all I needed to say for him to catch on as to why I wanted him to come.

"Of course I'll come." Now he's knocking on her door, waiting for a reply.

She doesn't answer so we go in. The sight infront of me makes my heart melt.

My baby is laying there, on her stomach, with the tv on. She's asleep and her head is lolled to the side, a bit uncomfortably. Luca and I look at one another with a smile gracing our lips. "I hate to say it but we should wake her up." Nodding, he sits beside her and gently pushes the hair from out of her eyes.

"Bells? Wake up darling," He shakes her slightly as she hardly stirs. He tries again but we came to the conclusion that she's a deep sleeper.

I look around and notice that her dog isn't here. After we're done here, I'll go find him.

At Luca's failure, I pick her up (whilst sitting on her bed) and softly stroke her hair as I call out to her. "Bella, wake up. We need to talk to you." She finally comes to and her eyes widen when she realises she's in my arms.

"I- Sorry," She sputters out and sits up quickly. I tell her no instantly. She hisses in pain as she grabs the ice that fell off of her back.

"Are you feeling okay, Bells?" My brother asks. She nods but clearly she's lying.

"Why are you lying, Isabella? I can see you're not fine," I grasp her hand and she looks at me.

"I-I'm not lying, I am fine." I sigh. She sits with her back against the headboard and I sit fully on the bed, Luca following suit.

"We wanted to talk to you about the other day. When you were jumping out of the window.."


Bah boom, mother trucker.

1487 words

Erm, yes, updates have been very varied but in all fairness, I've been having my exam weeks and I only have 3 tests left.

Hopefully there'll be some more chapters flowing out within the next weeks.

Stick around because there's denfinitely more to come!

Loves ya all xoxo


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