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After what felt like forever and a day, I pulled up to my brother's house

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After what felt like forever and a day, I pulled up to my brother's house. It looked like any typical college place that housed boys. A beer can was in the lawn, one of those plastic flamingos perched by the front door, and three cars shoved into the driveway. There was my brother's BMW, and then I'm assuming the Jeep Wrangler and pick up truck belonged to Westley and Miller.

I parked on the curb and grabbed my two bags. It feels like I haven't seen Cameron in forever. My heart hurts thinking about how we've grown apart this past year and a half.

I rang the doorbell but I didn't hear a sound coming from inside. Leave it to three college boys to not have a working doorbell. I then decide to just knock, finally hearing some shuffling coming from beyond the door.

The chipped blue painted door swung open revealing my twin who had a smile on his face. Good. That's good, at least he is smiling. He got his blonde hair trimmed on the sides but the top was left longer and swept to the sides. He looks a lot more grown up than his usual shaggy hair.

"Nomi!" He guided me inside, suffocating me in a bone crushing hug.

"Oh wow you smell." I chuckle, "When's the last time you showered?"

He rolled his eyes.

"So are you going to tell me what the hell is going on?" He asked, his expression turned serious.

"Not right now. I just drove for five and a half hours straight. I need a coffee and a bathroom stat." I replied.

Cameron just laughed, "Yeah. Yeah, sure. Let's get your stuff down and you can say hi to Miller and Wes."

Ah, yes. The infamous Miller my brother has told me so much about. From what I have gathered, he's pretty outgoing and not shy at all. Something about that southern drawl. And then Westley. A cocky son of a bitch, with an ego almost as tall as he is.

At least that's all I got when I spent the day helping my brother move in freshman year.

Cameron coughed, gesturing from me to the boys, "Uh Wes, you remember my sister, Naomi. And Naomi, this is Miller."

Miller smiled, "'Sup"

Miller had this mischievous and carefree look to him. He had a mop of dark hair on his head and big brown eyes. Sort of like a puppy. He was tall and more lanky than the other two, wearing a jean jacket two sizes two big for him.

And then my gaze found Westley. He was taller than I remember, like weirdly tall. He was also more built. I remember Cameron mentioning he used to be a competitive swimmer. He's built like an Olympic swimmer, with broad shoulders, narrower hips, and legs that are muscular but not bulky. I was definitely not imagining what it was like under his fitted t-shirt. Somehow his dark brown hair always fell in a perfectly messy kind of way.

"Need help unloading your car?" He asked, I hope he didn't realize I was basically analyzing him. He wasn't wearing his glasses like when I met him a few years ago. Man, those eyes. Just as blue and inviting as the ocean.

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