Chapter Two

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*29 Year old Dominick-6'8

Dominick's POV Continued:

The work day seems to be dragging on. Garrett passed out around one and I cleaned up his mess. He is still sleeping and sucking on his paci. It's around three now and I need to wake him up or he won't sleep tonight.

Dominick: Wake up love, it's time to get up.
Garrett: No don't want to. Sleep daddy.

He turns over and I sigh deeply. I guess we will do this my way. I take his blanket and easily lift him into my arms. I bounce him on my hip and head towards the bathrooms. Surly he needs to use it before we head home.

Dominick: Do you need to use the bathroom baby?

Garrett just whines and try's to get down. I put him down and he does his business inside a stall. Once he is done he washes his hands and we gather our stuff up and head home. I will just email him his work for tomorrow since I don't have time to make a list today. I let him walk to my truck, but I lift him into his car seat once we arrive. He pouts at me, but I just ignore him and try to give him his paci. He takes it and sucks on it in an annoyed way. He is not a morning person and doesn't like to be woken up from naps.

We make it home and change clothes. I put him into a cute daddy's baby boy onesie and he runs off to his play room. I follow him and head to the rocking chair to chill while he plays for a while.

Garrett's Onesie ^

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Garrett's Onesie ^

Dominick: Are you having fun love?
Garrett: Yes daddy, play with me?
Dominick: What are we playing?
Garrett: Hide n seek! You count, Garrett hide.
Dominick: Okay baby, go hide. I will count to 50.

I start counting as my little one runs out of his play room. I have no idea where he will hide, but it can't be that hard to find him. I finish counting and head towards our bedroom. I check under the bed and in the closet. He is not there.

Dominick: Where could my little boy be??

I check the guest rooms and all the bathrooms, but he is not there either. I decide to check the kitchen and find my little cheeky monkey in the pantry on the top shelf. How he managed to climb up there is beyond me.

Dominick: What are you doing up there young man?!?
Garrett: Hiding daddy. I did good?
Dominick: That was a good spot, but it was also dangerous for you to climb that high. You need to be careful baby. Time to get down.
Garrett: Daddy help me?
Dominick: You need my help? You didn't need my help to get up there.

I didn't wait for him to answer. I stood on my tippy toes and pulled him off the shelf. I should have made him figure it out himself, but I don't want him to hurt himself and let's be honest I like holding him.

Dominick: That was naughty baby boy. Please don't do that again. You scared me.
Garrett: Sorry daddy, just having fun. No mean to scare you.
Dominick: It's okay baby, daddy loves you. I think we are done with this game though. Do you want to help daddy make dinner?
Garrett: Yes please!
Dominick: Let's go wash up then!

We head to the bathroom with Garrett still in my arms much to his displeasure. Once we are nice and clean we head back to the kitchen.

Garrett: What we make daddy?
Dominick: How about spaghetti and some garlic bread?
Garrett: Sounds yummy.

We get busy making the food and I let Garrett do small things like stir the noodles and check the bread. We have a peaceful evening filled with spaghetti, movies and cuddles. We head to bed around 10 after I send some emails to get ready for tomorrow. Another day in the books with the love of my life.

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