Chapter One

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*21 Year old Garrett in the picture-5' tall

Garrett's POV

Another Monday morning is here. I roll out of bed and head to the shower. Dominick is already up per usual. I decide on a quick shower and get ready for another day at work as my husband's personal assistant. My name is Garett and I am 21 years old for those of you that did not know. I am a little, but only at night and on the weekends mostly. I married my husband Dominick at age 18 and he is also my daddy. We met when I was only 16, but he waited for me. I grew up with my five older brothers and let me tell you that's not as fun as it may sound. I am just glad they let me have a chance and get to know Dominick. He is the best husband and daddy anyone could ask for. He is now 29 and was 24 when we met. He is a successful businessman and my long time lover and daddy. He is still the same as when we met! My brothers are all doing well and living life. We see them a lot so I am happy with that.

Once I am ready I head downstairs to find Dominick cooking us breakfast.

Dominick: Good morning baby boy. Did you sleep well?
Garrett: I did! Not ready for work though.
Dominick: I'm sorry love, here is some breakfast for you. Eat up please.
Garrett: Thanks daddy. Love you!
Dominick: Daddy loves you too baby.

We eat in a peaceful silence and then head to the office. I still get "task" lists every day of things I need to get done. This helps keep me organized and on top of my work. Daddy is very busy so he doesn't have much time to entertain me. Lucky I can do that myself. I make sure to bring some of my fun stuff just in case I get bored! I may be an adult now, but I still act pretty childish most days. That's understandable when you are a part time little.

We get to the office and I go to my desk after giving daddy a kiss. He's so needy. I find my list and get started on it.

 I find my list and get started on it

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Garrett's Work ^

I do the filing first and then complete the data entry. Once I finished that it's around 10am. I decide to check my emails and see one from my daddy.

From: Dominick
To: Garrett

Good Morning baby boy,
Please draw daddy a pretty picture for our office sometime today. I hope your morning is going well! Love you always!

Daddy Dominick

I blush really hard after reading the email. I decide to work on his picture and Kimberly's birthday card at the same time. That should take me about an hour to complete. Kimberly is daddy's younger sister. She is 25 almost 26 and is the receptionist/Secretary for daddy's company. She just got married not long ago and travels alot with her new husband.

Once I finish my pictures I decided to go show Dominick and let him know I'm finished with the first part of my list. I drew me and daddy holding hands for his office.

Garrett: I'm all done daddy.
Dominick: Good job baby, I love your pictures. Let me hang that one up. I'm sure Kim will love her birthday card. We are going over to their house this weekend for the party.
Garrett: Yay! What's for lunch daddy?
Dominick: I ordered us sub sandwiches and chips. Does that sound good baby boy?

I just nod my head and climb in daddy's lap. I sit facing him and snuggle into his chest.

Dominick: Are you tired baby? Is someone feeling little?

I just nod my head but don't give a verbal answer. Sometimes I start feeling little at work, but my daddy doesn't seem to mind.

Dominick: That's okay baby, after we eat you can watch a movie and have a nap while daddy finishes up his work. Does that sound good?
Garrett: Yes daddy. Thank you.
Dominick: You are welcome love, you did a good job today. Thank you.

Dominick's POV

I can't help but smile looking down at my little boy. He is so cute. I still can't believe he is mine after all this time. I just want to baby him all the time, but I know he won't let me. I love when he gets like this though, it just makes my day. He tries to be big all day but it usually doesn't happen. Kimberly walks in with our food and I easily turn little man around on my lap.

Dominick: Thanks sis!
Kimberly: You are welcome! Y'all enjoy!

I help Garrett with his food and we both eat our sandwiches.

Garrett: Thank you daddy, dis good.
Dominick: I am glad you like it hun. Be a good boy and try to eat everything.

I finish my sandwich and watch as my little boy struggles to finish his. I got him a small one so I am hoping he can finish it even if he doesn't eat the chips. My big ass will eat what he doesn't, but he needs the calories. I eat my chips and watch him make cute happy faces at his food.

This boy will be the death of me. It's hard to believe he never grew anymore from his 16 year old self. I guess some people stay small forever. Five feet tall is so tiny compared to my near seven feet tall. People look at us weird when we are out in public, but I don't care what they think. Most that know us know about our lifestyle so they don't say anything. It does make it easier to carry him around since he is so small. He doesn't really like to be carried as much, but he tolerates it since he knows I enjoy it. I squeeze him to me and kiss his head. I end up eating his chips since he sits back in my lap seemly done eating.

Dominick: Are you done eating baby?

He nods his head at me and I wipe his mouth off. I stand up and place him in my big chair and clean up our mess. I grab his back pack and take out his paci, sippy cup, blanket and tablet. I pick him up and lay him on my couch. I cover him up with his blanket and hand him his sippy cup. He slowly drinks his juice while I clip his paci to his shirt. I find him a movie on the iPad and plug his headphones in but don't press play yet.

Dominick: Are you comfy?
Garrett: Yes, tank you daddy.
Dominick: You are welcome baby boy, come get daddy if you need anything. Tell me if you need to go potty. I will take you, you are not allowed to go alone.

He smiles at me and I play his movie. He is not always chatty in little space, but I don't mind. He will be passed out asleep soon enough. I watch him for a few minutes and then get back to work. I wish I could hang out with my little one all day, but someone has to work!

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