Chapter Three

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*Kimberly-Dominicks Sister-26 years old and 6' feet tall

Garrett's POV

The rest of the week flies by. Work goes well, but is really busy. It is now Saturday and we are getting ready to head over to Kimberly's house for her 26th birthday party. I am super excited, but it's going to be alot of people there that I don't know so I will have to stay big all night.

Dominick and I dress in nice jeans and button up shirts. It's a bbq so we will be outside a lot. Dominick and I got Kimberly some cooking stuff since she likes to cook. I also plan to give her the birthday card I made her earlier this week. I hope she likes it.

 I hope she likes it

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Dominick's outfit ^

Dominick's outfit ^

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Garrett's outfit ^

Once we arrive I give her the card and gift and snuggle up to Dominick. We make our way outside and he holds my hand for comfort.

Kimberly: Omg! I'm so glad you guys made it! Thank you for my gift!
Garrett: Happy Birthday Kim!
Dominick: Yea happy birthday little sis!
Kimberly: Aww thanks! Get some food you guys and enjoy the party!

We head to the food table and both make a plate. We each get some pulled pork, cole slaw, potato salad and beans. I notice James, Kim's husband , is also eating so we head over to sit with him. He seems like a nice guy.

Dominick: Hey James! How's it going?
James: Hey Dom, hey little man. I am well, how are you guys?
Dominick: We are both good, just working and enjoying married life.
James: I hear that! I am doing the same thing. Your sister is great!
Dominick: I am glad to hear that! This food is great! Did you make it!
James: I did, thanks man. Do you like it little dude?
Garrett: It's very good thank you. Dominick can I have a beer?
Dominick: You can have a few, but don't drink too much baby.
Garrett: Thank you!

I leave the table and head inside to get a drink from the big fridge inside. I will grab one for Dominick too since I'm sure he will want one. Once I make it to the fridge I see they have angry orchard. Score! That's one of the only beers I will drink. I grab two and head back outside. Luckily I don't run into anyone on my way back.

I sit the beer in front of Dominick and open my own.

Dominick: Thanks love!

We drink and chat for a while. Kim comes over every now and then to chat, but she is busy with her friends. I get it, it's her birthday party so she should socialize. I wonder if and when they are having cake. I could go for some right now. I tune out James and Dominick. I decide to people watch while I sip my beer. I notice there are almost an overwhelming amount of people here. I didn't realize Kim and Dominick knew so many people. Way more people than I know! To each their own.

After finishing my beer I head to the bathroom and freshen up. Once I get back outside Kim is cutting her cake! Did I miss the birthday song? Oh darn! I get back over to Dominick and he pulls me into his lap and whispers in my ear.

Dominick: Where did you go baby boy? You missed the singing.
Garrett: I had to use the bathroom, sorry!
Dominick: It's okay baby, do you want cake.
Garrett: Yes please.

Dominick places me in his spot and goes to get us some cake. What a nice guy. He returns with our cake along with Kim. We all eat our cake and make small talk. Dominick let me sit in my own seat to eat. I appreciate that since there is so many people around us now. They are all talking and I just want to eat my cake.

Kimberly: What a great birthday. Thanks for coming guys!
Dominick: We wouldn't miss it! I am glad you are enjoying yourself little sister.
Kimberly: Oh I meant to tell you, James and I are leaving on Monday to travel for a few months. I won't be able to work at the company anymore.
Dominick: That's okay, I can hire a new receptionist. I am glad you seem so happy. Garrett and I will miss you, but you have your own life to live. I will contact HR tonight and get some interviews set up for someone to fill your position. I may know of someone that might be interested already.
Kimberly: Thank you bubba. I love you both! I will also miss y'all, and I will come visit! Don't worry!

We both hug Kim and finish our cake. Wow Kimberly is quitting her job. That is so sad, but I understand. She needs to enjoy life and if that's traveling with her husband than so be it. We hang out for a while longer and then decide to head home. We need to clean some and Dominick needs to makes some calls and do some work so we can get things going for interviews next week. I'm not sure how I feel about having to hire someone new, I just hope they are nice and good at their job.

Dominick's POV

Once we get home, we both get comfy and I head to my office. Garrett follows me so we can talk for a few minutes before we both get some work done.

Dominick: Did you have fun at the party baby?
Garrett: Yes daddy, it was fun. I'm sad Kim is leaving work though.
Dominick: I know baby boy, but daddy will get someone good to replace her. Don't worry. I have a friend I am going to ask if he's interested first.
Garrett: Okay! I trust you! I'm going to clean the house while you do work.
Dominick: Sounds good baby, we can cuddle a little later.

As soon as Garrett leaves I make some calls. I have a good friend from my past that might be interested in the job. If I can get him to do it I wouldn't have to worry about someone else having to get along with my baby. He is really sensitive and has dealt with a lot over the years. A smooth transition with less drama would be better. I give my friend Nathan a call.

Dominick: Hey, is Nate there?
Nate: This is he.
Dominick: Hey Nate, it's Dominick. Long time no talk. How are you?
Nate: Doing okay, I'm between jobs right now so a little stressed.
Dominick: I'm sorry to hear that, but I have a job opportunity for you if you are interested.
Nate: Hell yea I am! What do you have?
Dominick: It would be working for me at the company as the main receptionist/secretary. My sister Kim quit so she could travel with her husband.
Nate: Okay cool, what would I be doing?
Dominick: You would be in charge of my calendar and scheduling meetings, answering phones, taking notes during meeting, booking flights and hotels if we need to travel etc. My husband does all the other data and filing and other clerical work so you wouldn't have to do that. Paid vacation, full benefits, sick leave and the pay is 25 an hour. Are you in?
Nate: Absolutely! Do I need to interview?
Dominick: You will have to for formalities, but it will be very informal, you can even meet the hubs.
Nate: Sounds good! Day and time?
Dominick: Would Monday at 2pm work for you?
Nate: That's perfect, see you then!
Dominick: See you!

I finish up my work and email HR and let them know I will be interviewing on Monday for Kim's job. They are fine with that and I clean up my desk. I head downstairs to find Garrett snuggled up on the couch sucking his paci watching Monster Inc.

Dominick: Hey cutie, can I join you?
Garrett: Yessss daddy, watchin Monster Inc.

I smile big at my little man and snuggle up with him and pull him into my lap. He cuddles into me and turns his attention back to the movie. I notice the house looks pretty clean. He did a great job. Once the movie is over I notice Garrett is fast asleep. I turn the movie off and carefully lift my baby into my arms. I carry him to our bed and tuck him in after putting him into some of his pjs. I strip to my boxers and climb into bed. I pull him into my arms and slowly drift to sleep.

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