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As I walked home, I smiled to myself at the small amount of eye contact that we had in the hallway as I left school 20 minutes ago. I wanted to go back, but I thought it would be awkward. I mean, I only saw him once outside of school. 

I walked into a small deli shop, and felt a homey feeling, as I have been every day since I've been here the first time. 

"Hello, Mr. Delmar." I waved.

"How's my new favorite regular customer?"

I smiled at him while I pet the cat on the counter. But before I could answer, a voice from behind me spoke.

"What about me?" said a familiar voice, startled. I felt eyes on me and I felt my cheeks grow hot. Borderline burning. 

"Oh, I could never forget about you, Peter." said the man behind the counter. He was kind but had a wild side about him. He would always smile, but when something happened to one of his customers, he would lose his marbles.

One time, a young lady was calmly sitting at her small table, and a creepy old man came up to her and was talking to her. I was talking to Mr. Delmar when all of a sudden his attention was focused across the room. 

He quickly walked through the small door that separated the kitchen from the seating area and went up to the table.

"Sir, do we have a problem here?" He said, wanting to give the man a second chance. My mind began to fuzz, and I felt something was about to happen. 

"No, I'm just going to take my... daughter home."

I decided to include myself. Maybe I could possibly help.

"Sir, would you like some extra gummies?" I said kindly, acting as if I worked at the deli shop. He furrowed his brows and said no. Before he could say anything more to me, I chucked and threw the gummies square into his nose. Hard.

Mr. Delmar threw a punch at the man, and literally kicked his ass out the door. 

Once everyone had calmed down, we all burst out in hysterics. Even the girl who was harassed at the table by an old man.

She thanked us, and I got Mr. Delmar a cold rag to put on his hand.

"Thank you." He said. 

"No problem."

And that's when I met Mr. Delmar. 

And Peter.

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