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The boy I recognized from the other day quickly turned around as we were walking down the hallway, leaving English class. 

He began walking toward me, and the corners of my mouth began turning into a smile. 

"Thanks for the sandwich."

"No problem." He smiled back kindly before a puzzled expression showed up on his face. "I never got your name."


"Valerie McNeal?" 

"Valerie McNeal." I nodded.

"You're new." Peter looked at me intently.

I smiled and nodded at his comment.

"What's your next class?"

"AP Bio."

"Oh, no way! Me too! I'll walk you there."



Peter's POV

I looked at the familiar girl across the room. I couldn't forget her face, how could anyone?

I couldn't stop thinking about that interaction since it had happened, and Aunt May would not leave me alone about not getting her name. So when I saw her in English class, I thought I might take my opportunity.

While I looked at her from across the room, I went through the possible ways I could bring it up.

'Hey, I never got your name the other day.'

Nope. Too lame.

'How was that delicious sandwich I bought you the other night?'

Absolutely not. Douchebag-ey.

'My aunt won't shut up about the one interaction I had with you that I told her about as soon as I got home.'

Oh my Lanta, too honest.

Then the next thing I knew, she was looking directly at me. We made direct eye contact. 

Nope, I'm not doing it.



I'm gonna shit myself.

I couldn't not turn around, I have had her stuck in my mind, and before I could stop myself from turning around, the next thing I knew, I was walking towards her. I couldn't stop looking at her face. She was stunning. 

"Thanks for the sandwich." She said. I smiled at her. 

"No problem," I said before remembering how Aunt may was bugging me all night about her name. "I never got your name."



On your Tail ! Peter ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now