sister's cliffhanger

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Scar laid Venus's body on a table in the firelights headquarters as Ekko and Heimerdinger observed her. "she was alive when I found her but she died on the way here. I'm sorry, Ekko." Scar said as Ekko looked expressionless while hanging his head low. "I highly doubt that." Heimerdinger said as everyone looked at him. "if there's one thing I know about fea's. they never die once." Heimerdinger said as everyone looked at him confused. "what do you mean?" Ekko asked. "she evolved in her fight. so her body is resting until it is ready to use magic again." Heimerdinger said. "she'll wake up in a couple of hours. besides, Venus is way too stubborn to die so easily." Heimerdinger said as Ekko sighed. after a couple of hours, Venus's eyes opened as she breathed slowly. Scar noticed this and left the room instantly. Venus sat up and touched her head since it was throbbing. she felt her ears and noticed they were longer than usual. "what the hell?" Venus questioned as the door practically slammed open. Venus flinched from the sound. it was much louder than what she was used to before. Venus looked to see Ekko staring at her shocked but happy. the expression didn't last long as Ekko looked at her angrily as he walked toward her limply as he took her by the collar of her top and slammed her against the wall. " what the fuck are you doing?" Venus asked slightly out of breath from how hard Ekko slammed her against the wall. "you don't get to ask that question! what is wrong with you? I literally just got you back and you die? why? Why did you fight him?" Ekko yelled as tears started brimming in his eyes while he was struggling to stand properly on his injured leg. "Ekko, your leg." Venus said calmly. "Fuck my leg! answer me!" Ekko demand with his voice cracking. "I needed to know more about my family, I'm sorry Ekko." Venus said softly as Ekko looked at her in disbelief.  "oh, so, the family you have here isn't good enough?" Ekko said as Venus looked shocked while he started to slightly Hyperventilating. "no, Ekko. I just wanted to know more about my origins that's all. you are enough Ekko." Venus said as she pushed his hands gently off her causing him to trap her against the wall. "I uh, you died umm..." Ekko said as his breaths got heavier and Venus heard his heart beating faster. "Ekko, look at me." Venus said as she put her hands on his cheeks to direct his gaze at her. "I'm fine. I'm not dead, I'm right here in front of you well and healthy. ok, calm down you're having a panic attack. just focus on me, ok?" Venus said as Ekko nodded while Venus rested his forehead on hers. "everything is fine." Venus whispered as Ekko's breathing slowed. "sit down your leg is still injured." Venus said as she helped Ekko sit down in a chair. "mind telling me how I'm alive?" Venus asked. "what you don't know?" Ekko questioned. "to be honest. I don't even remember me and Claude fighting. I know I fought him but I just don't really remember anything." Venus said as she sat down next to him. "you and Claude killed each other. when we brought you here Heimerdinger said you weren't dead you were just evolving." Ekko said as Venus looked at him confused. "what?" Venus asked as Ekko glared at her. "do I look like a fucking fairy to you." Ekko said as Venus scowled at him. "excuse me?" Venus said Ekko sighed. "I'm sorry these last few hours haven't been that great." Ekko said as Venus hummed still annoyed by his comment. "Heimerdinger is in the other room working on inventions and all that stuff." Ekko said as Venus nodded.

 "maybe Heimerdinger has answers." Venus said as she stood up and walked to the next room where she saw Heimerdinger writing down things. he looked up at her and smiled. "oh, Venus. how are you feeling?" Heimerdinger asked. "I'm fine, can I ask a question?" Venus asked as Heimerdinger nodded. "have you ever heard of the name Neema?" Venus asked as Heimerdinger looked at her shocked. "yes, it's a fea family from the south of Noxus. around 17 years ago the family was reported extinct. there have been rumors lately that the daughter of the head in the Neema clan lived and is somewhere in the nearing continents of Noxus." Heimerdinger explained. "Claude kept calling me Ms. Neema." Venus said as Heimerdinger looked shocked. "perhaps these rumors are true." Heimerdinger mumbled as Ekko walked into the room. "Venus, I don't think you're just any Fae. I believe you are the daughter of Themis and Daemones. your birth name is Harmonia Neema." Heimerdinger said as Venus stared at him still contemplating what she was hearing. Venus soon snapped out of her trance as Ekko stared confused. "Harmonia? what a weird name." Venus said. "actually not really. the Neema clan believed in many different gods and goddesses than the rest of us. Harmonia was the name of the goddess of harmony and concord. she was the daughter of Aphrodite and Ares. That is probably how you unconsciously got the name Venus as a kid since that was also Aphrodite's name. there is only one way to find out this is true." Heimerdinger explained. "ok, how?" Venus asked. "well, in clans like this one the heads or the royals had different types of blood than the rest of the people in their clan. the Aero clan had black blood and it allowed them to control black magic better than most. the Bode Clan had orange blood and it allowed them to use chaotic magic and magic related to heat. the Cyrus clan had green blood and it allowed them to use any spiritual or psychic powers. and then there was the Haven Clan, they had blue blood and it allowed them to control water and wind while also allowing them to control many aspects with those two elements. the Neema clan had white blood. the Neema clan never really had any specific powers since their blood and all-around lifestyle were so rare. but after evolving, the royal member's blood would change when touching oxygen. so to check all we have to do is cut you and wait and see if your blood changes." Heimerdinger explained as Venus nodded. "shouldn't we wait? she literally just died and came back." Ekko said as Venus gave him a look. "for a normal person I would agree. but Venus just evolved and is newly changed, not to mention she's young. so, at the moment she is at her peak both physically and magically wise. a small cut on her to draw blood won't do much damage to her." Heimerdinger spoke as Venus grabbed a nearby knife and bowl. she cut her palm and her blood dripped into the bowl. her blood was normal and was red as her cut instantly healed itself. Venus and Heimerdinger watched for a moment confused. "maybe I'm not a royal?" Venus questioned. Heimerdinger was going to speak but was interrupted by a bright glowing light from the bowl. as the light dimmed they looked into the bowl only to see her blood was no longer red. it was now pure white like untouched snow. "well, that was kind of unexpected." Venus said as Heimerdinger hummed in response.

Venus leaned on the balcony of the firelights staring at the night sky think about everything going on. Vi coming back, seeing Ekko again, Powder's well-being, dying and evolving, her real family. her mind was going ecstatic as Heimerdinger took some of her blood to test it in the morning. her thoughts were cut off by footsteps walking behind her kind of limping. she turns to see Ekko limping towards her and leaning on the balcony beside her. "why are you walking?" Venus asked as Ekko looked at her with raised eyebrows. "It doesn't hurt. I don't need the crutches." Ekko said as Venus rolled her eyes. Venus put her hand on Ekko's arm as her hand glowed. Ekko looked at her surprised until he felt all the pain in his knee disappear. Venus removed her hand as she looked back at the sky. "you didn't have to do that." Ekko said. "yeah I did." Venus replied quickly. "I will have to leave soon, I have to get back to Piltover for Vi and Caitlyn." Venus said as Ekko rolled his eyes. "you're not going anywhere." Ekko said as Venus sighed. "Yes, I am. you're not changing my mind." Venus said harshly, Venus has never been one to get mad easily but with her new form. she is a bit different now. "I don't care. you almost died. I'm not letting you go." Ekko slightly shouted. "well too damn bad." Venus said walking away. "Venus!" Ekko called out trying to follow her but failed to do so when Venus suddenly teleported to the bridge. Venus looks up at the red moon to see a large blue light heading straight for the councilor's meeting house.  Venus instantly teleported to the doors leading into the meeting room. she opened the doors fast but was too late when the blue light turned out to be a missile. the missile made contact with the glass and instantly exploded into a large blue light. the explosion caused Venus to fly backward and hit her head on the ground hard. large and heavy footsteps stop at her head as a large shadow cast on her. "it's a pleasure to finally meet you, Princess Harmonia." a woman's voice spoke as Venus's vision went dark as she felt someone lift her up from the ground.

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