Mage's Progress day

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It's been Five years since the Incident in the undercity, Venus was now 17 and she is an enforcer. she didn't and still doesn't want to be one, Mrs. Kiramman made her become one so that the family looked good for piltover. Venus was also very close with both Jayce and Caitlyn. She would always call Caitlyn, Cait or Cat. later on after her trail she found out that she did have magic but she still knows nothing about her parents. she grew into a strong magic user, and she Helped Jayce create many Inventions to help protect piltover and and help it's future to grow into a strong nation. As much as she loved helping them she still missed her time in the undercity. pretty much all of the undercity didn't know she was helping the topside with Hex-tech, but a lot of them knew she was an Enforcer. Despite her and Cait Being one she still hated them. Of course some were better than other's, but most were harmless cause they would spend most of their time smoking or drinking while on the job.

Since it was progress day Venus and Cait both had to work and It just so happens that their mother put them together and stationed them near her Exabit of Jayce who was with her. As Venus and Cait were standing there talking and Observing the crowd. Jayce comes up behind them and poke the back of their heads to scare them but instead they both turned around. Cait took one of Jayce's fingers on one hand and twisted it and Venus did the same with his other hand. "serves you right." Venus says in a accent same as Cait that she developed over time, but the joy was cut short when their mother stares at them with disapproval. The two girls turned back around when Jayce noticed what was happening. "you two still avoiding her." he says. " we are working." Cait responds as both her and Venus stood in previous stances. "I can see that. I mean, there so much crime to thwart outside your family's tent." Jayce says sarcastically which caused Venus to smirk at him. "I can only imagine the strings she pulled to have us posted here." Venus says in a playful way but Cait sighed at her comment, clearly agreeing. "well, Cait it's your fault really, for not following her into a career 'more befitting your station." Jayce said as he got in between the two girls, he looked at Venus and smiled playfully at her before saying. "well, you Venus didn't really have a choice." Venus glared up at him since she was around height of 5'4 and he was around 6'0. "she'd do anything to keep me from seeing the real world." Cait said in a another sigh. "well, at least you two will have front row seats to the speech." Jayce said in a dorky smile. "speech." said Cait and Venus in unison. "mhm, I'm giving the big address tonight." Jayce said proudly. "hm, we really have descended to anarchy." Venus said in a amused scoff. "have fun herding the drunkards." said Jayce before he walked away from the two girls.

later on in the Day Cait and Venus were called to the blimps shipment docks to guard a crime scene caused by an undercity gang called the Firelights. when they got there the blimp was in smoke and had bullet holes everywhere. As they where guarding Venus heard Cait whisper for her to go on the blimp with, and she did they both snuck onto the blimp. once they got on Cait started to map the place out and she was figuring it out piece by piece. "you're from the undercity Ve, do you know who the Firelights are?" Cait asked as she was pointing different directions. "no, they're most likely new considering their style." Venus answered as she noticed the barrels of shimmer. 'Silco is expanding' she thought. Her thoughts were cut off when Cait started to open a door that lead to the bottom of the blimp. she found a man inside that Venus recognized easily, he was one of Silco's men, he was obviously hit by friendly fire. "Venus?" he said confused. the girl looked at him with a glare but huffed in defeat. "as much as I dislike you, no one deserves to die." she said as she jumped down with Cait to help the man. "you're still the same as ever, you have too much heart." he said laugh but stopped from the pain of his wound on his stomach. Venus added pressure to the wound that had alcohol on it so his wound wouldn't get infected. Cait was interrogating the man as he was panicking and complaining about some girl being crazy. They're session was interrupted by Marcus who was the chief of the Enforcers. "Kirammans, Why do you not surprise me? Interfering an investigation again. your supposed to be guarding your mothers tent." He said sternly only getting a shy smile out of Venus that said 'my bad?' Cait and Marcus started to argue but Venus started to talk to the man she held the clothe on. "I need to know if anyone survived the Explosion, anyone." she said with a pleading look but couldn't get an answer since she was Being pulled away by Cait. 

later at night Cait and Venus were Guarding the outside of the auditorium hall with other Enforcers who were smoking and drinking after there long day of work. Cait and Venus did smoking or drinking, they were always cautious that's they would only drink for an occasion. Venus was leaning against the stairs railing as the others talked amongst themselves. Even as she grew up she still always preferred to stay in her head where's safe and nothing could hurt her. she always thought about the undercity. maybe everyone is still alive. well except Vander and Benzo. After the Incident when she first started living in piltover she had horrible nightmares about Benzo and Vander. she would always see them die right in front of her but each time they die in different ways. As if on cue Venus heard a fire break out in the distance due to her enhanced hear. "FIRE!" she yelled. ever since she became an enforce most of the enforcers came to a costumed to her enhanced abilities so when she hears something they don't even question her. Venus ran to the Fire that began to spread fast as she had Cait next to her and the other enforcers behind them. they stop as some of the enforcers were getting fire extinguishers. they her a girls voice from inside pleading for help, Venus could tell the voice was fake and that it was a trap. before Venus could say anything Everyone ran inside. Venus growled in annoyance and ran after them. once she saw them she stopped next to Cait as they were looking for the 'little girl'. Venus couldn't focus as she was burning up and choking on smoke and ash. she couldn't hear clearly. but she was then pulled back by Cait to retreat. before they could reach the exit the building was blown up, killing many enforcers that were inside. Cait and Venus went flying as they hit the ground. Venus opens her eyes to see a pale girl with long braided hair that was blue. she looked oddly a lot like powder, just older. Venus then felt her conscience taking over as her eyes start to shut only hearing more enforcers in the back coming to retrieve any surviving people.

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