Past is Past

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(4 years previous)

Venus had just turned thirteen and was now a new enforcer. she was force to be by her new mother Mrs. Kiraman, she was nice and she treated Venus well she is just very strict especially after they had discovered that Venus had magic. Venus didn't mind living in the city of piltover, she just wished she was able to visit her home the undercity. unfortunately Venus wasn't able because of her being an enforcer. since she was an enforcer she wasn't exactly welcome to the undercity. most of the people she knew saw her as a traitor and didn't care if she was young or not. shortly after Venus became an enforcer Marcus became sheriff and he would always find someway to make her day worse, and today he did just that. "Venus, I have a mission for you." He said sternly as he dropped a file on his desk as Venus picked it up and opened it to read it. inside the file was a picture of a man with long hair and scruffed beard. his hair was dark and slicked back. he had elf ears and light eyes like Venus's. "he's like me isn't he." Venus said in her new accent she picked up on from Cait. "yes, he's very dangerous and needs to be dealt with caution." Marcus said as he walked up to her. "so, why are you giving this to me?" Venus said with a slight attitude as Marcus scowled at her. "because you are just like him. we need an enforcer to take on these kinds of rare jobs. and you are the only one out of all of us that can use magic. also I just want to make your life a living hell." Marcus said with a smirk. Venus groaned as she rolled her eyes. "you'll go tomorrow, oh and make sure he's dead we don't need anymore of you running around." Marcus said as he sat down at his desk. Venus sighed as she left his office and went home.

Venus was in her room at the Kiraman house and Cait was asking questions as Venus was reading the mans file. "so, how long do you think you gonna be gone?" Cait asked as she sat next to Venus on her bed. "I don't know, I'm not really allowed to come back until he is dead." Venus responded. she read through some of his file. his name was Claude Jackson. he is in his late 20's and was known to be a mass murder. he grew up as an orphan after his parents died a few months after he was born. he was known to attack near the south of the Lanes were people would smuggle drugs and alcohol from neighboring nations. now he is attack near piltover just outside of the bridge, but also near the last drop as well. Venus sighed as Cait was going through her weapons. "we barely know anything on this Claude guy. why are we attacking now? shouldn't we wait for a motive or some kind of big move. I mean his victim's are at random and there's no connection, It doesn't make sense." Venus ranted as she look through his file another time. "maybe he's working for someone." Cait suggested. Venus layed down on her back as Cait read through Claude's file. "but what would the people do to have someone send Claude after them?" Venus asked. "I don't know guess you'll just have to spy on him for a while." Cait said as she stood up. Cait left and went to bed, but Venus stayed up to try to think of a plan.

In the morning Venus dressed in undercity attire and left for her mission after saying goodbye to Cait and her parents. she walked across the bridge and lifted her hood over her head to hide her ears and hair. the undercity citizens were not to happy about the news of Venus becoming an enforcer. she walked through the dark streets of the lanes as she looked around looking for the last drop. once she found it she saw guards at the front. 'Silco must've taken over' Venus thought as she walked around the building and climbed up to the roof and found the secret door to the Blue room. she climbed through and made her way to the main area, she didn't want to be seen by anyone familiar so she walked along the rafters on the ceiling. after search for a few minutes of searching she managed to find Claude who was drunk and surrounded by women. 'for a mass murder, he does fall into temptation a lot.' Venus thought as she watched Claude from afar. after an hour Claude stood up and left the building. Venus left through the way she came in and followed him. Claude walked through many ally ways and streets as Venus followed. soon enough Claude stopped at the door to the prostitution house and walked in. 'what is with this guy and women.' Venus sighed in annoyance as she followed Claude who was giving a large amount of money to a man who was wearing inappropriate clothing. 'and men, ok so this guy likes both. great.' Venus thought as she hid in a near by room that was empty, surprisingly.

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