Claude's return

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Ekko held Venus against him as he held her wound so it wouldn't bleed out. it was daytime now and they hid under the bridge.  Ekko was suffering from an injured ankle, but he was too focused on Venus, still unconscious. Venus then woke up. "easy, your still badly hurt." Ekko said quietly and gently. Venus winced as she dug her fingers into her wound and took out the sharp metal. "I literally just said easy." Ekko spat as Venus groaned. "it should heal faster now." Venus said quietly. suddenly a figure was in the distance and Venus recognized who it was. "Heimerdinger." Venus said quietly as Heimerdinger saw the flashing green lights of Ekkos hoverboard. Heimerdinger picked up the hoverboard with curiosity. "oh, ingenious. though these blades seemed to be improperly pitched." Heimerdinger spoke as Ekko huffed. "you're wrong." Ekko said catching Heimerdinger's attention. "it's designed for the fissures. the air is denser." Ekko said as Heimerdinger turned around and noticed Venus. "oh, are you two alright?" Heimerdinger said as he looked at them concerned. "yeah, we're fine. she's healing and I just busted my ankle." Ekko said as Heimerdinger nodded. "Venus, Medarda has been asking for you everywhere. where were you?" Heimerdinger asked. "I've been busy. why is she asking for me?" Venus asked as Heimerdinger shrugged. "I don't know but it has something to do with her mother that is visiting." Heimerdinger said. "her mother probably knows about me holding magic. Noxus people have been visiting more often, since, they aren't very fond of magic wielders." Venus said. "so, her mother wants to kill you?" Heimerdinger questioned. Venus nodded as she stood up. "come on. we got to get back. Heimerdinger, Ekko. Ekko, Heimerdinger." Venus introduced as Heimerdinger bowed his head to Ekko. "you're council Heimerdinger?" Ekko questioned as Venus gave him a look. "it's just Heimerdinger now." Heimerdinger said. "what?" Venus questioned as Heimerdinger shook his head, signaling he didn't want to talk about it. "what are you doing on this side of the river?" Ekko asked. "I wanted to offer my assistance to the citizens of the undercity, but... it seems I'm unwelcomed." Heimerdinger said as Ekko laughed lightly. "what is it?" Heimerdinger asked. "we're having the exact same day." Ekko said as Heimerdinger smiled at the boy. "that looks more than a sprain. you need medical attention." Heimerdinger said looking at Venus. "I can't heal him right now. I'm still healing." Venus said as the two smiled at her. "you two are like the same person." Venus mumbled as Heimerdinger and Ekko scoffed.

on the way to the Firelight base, Venus noticed how the streets were oddly quiet and barely anyone on the streets. "it's quiet." Heimerdinger said. "too quiet." Venus said. Venus was now fully healed and was helping Ekko walk. it was sundown now and it was a bit windy. the three were almost to the base when a large booming explosion happened right behind them causing smoke to flood the street. Venus turned around to find a figure flying towards her. Venus knew who it was and pushed Ekko out of the way as she was pinned to the ground. "it's nice to see that you're alive and well, Ms. Neema." Claude said as Venus kicked him off of her. "Claude, I see your shoulder never healed." Venus said as she looked at Claude's shoulder which still had a hole in it. Claude was holding the same knife he had stabbed her with in the past. it was a silver dagger with rubies on the handle. Venus looked at Ekko and Heimerdinger. "go, I'll deal with him." Venus said as Ekko looked at her dumbfounded. "what? no, you could die." Ekko said. "you don't have a choice." Venus said as her hair turned purple and a spark of black and purple electricity formed around her. she waved her hand in front of the two and they were gone in a flash.

Venus looked back at Claude with fierce eyes as he stood up straight. "ready to finish this Miss Neema." Claude taughted. "why do you keep calling me that?" Venus spat. "cause it's your name, duh." Claude said. Claude was more older looking now. his hair was short and his beard has grown out. he was short now as well. "game on I guess." Venus said as she bolted to Claude and swung her fist toward him. but Claude was faster now. he dodged and rammed his knee into her stomach and sent her flying back. "oh, come on. you're stronger than that. you are one of the all might families of the feas." Claude said as Venus stood back up. Claude was in front of her in a sec and was holding her by the neck and lifting her off the ground. "where did all that power go. seems to me your getting weak. I wonder how your mother would feel to know she died protecting a weakling of a daughter." Claude said as Venus's eye glowed purple as her nails and fangs grew large as they did before. "that's ironic coming from you, old man." Venus said as her voice echoed from her power as she placed her hand on his chest and sent him back with a wave of energy from her hand. Claude stood back up and the two ran towards one another and their hands clashed, creating the same sound as it did all those years ago. Venus pushed his hands out of the way and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and slammed him onto the ground. Venus places a heavy foot on Claude's neck making him struggle to breathe. "tell me what you know about my family." Venus demanded through her demonic voice. "why should I tell you? you're just gonna kill me anyway." Claude said with a wicked smile. "if you don't give me what I want I'll make your death slow and painful. got it?" Venus said tilting her head as Claude just smiled at her. Venus kicked him in his as she sat on his stomach and grabbed the dagger from before and raised it over her head. Venus stabbed it through his chest causing him to grunt from the pain. Claude then plunged his fist into her chest and red glowing veins ran through his body and went into hers. Venus then blacked out falling next to Claude's now dead body as a familiar voice yelled. "Venus!" The voice yelled running towards her. "Scar?" Venus said quietly as her vision and mind went into total darkness.

(AN: sorry this chapter is shorter than the others. I don't have any good excuse for why other than the fact that I was lazy and tired. but, the good news is that I'm on summer break now. which means I'll probably start writing more often. as for this story, I can't promise when the next chapter will come out considering that I am a very lazy person. the next chapter will most likely be the last chapter of this book. I have thought about making smaller books as like an alternative. basically books about changing certain things in the story to see where that would take Venus in her life. there are just smaller ideas, I haven't thought about what is official and what isn't official.)

the forgotten sister(Arcane)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon