Sister's Reunion

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Venus woke up in her bed at the Kiramman mansion, she went to Cait's room and she saw Cait trying to solve a case that was connected to the explosion's from the night before. "I see you don't give up easily." Venus said suddenly causing Cait to turn around in shock. "nope." she responded with a smirk. Venus sat on Cait's bed and started to talk about the case when Jayce walked in with flowers in his hands. "Hey, how are you guy's feeling?" He's said quietly. "we've had a break in he case." Cait responded as she pulled towards her and case connections all layed down on the floor. "Shouldn't you be resting." Jayce said. "While the trails hot?" Venus said as she took the flowers out of his hands. "listen you know how I've suspected there's a single mind behind the undercity's violence." Cait said while looking down at her and Venus's case on the ground. "The great conspiracy." Jayce said while nodding. "I think whoever attacked the square is our subject." Cait said as she was kneeling down. Venus knew that Silco was the one who was making shimmer and causing pain to the people of the lanes but didn't tell Cait because she knew that if Cait were to go to the undercity she probably wouldn't survive, one thing Venus couldn't figure out was if Powder or Vi were still alive, or if anyone she knew were still alive.

 "The same symbols showed up at the botched smuggling operation at the hex-gates." Venus piped in. "All this time, they've kept there dealings localized to the undercity." said Cait. "low priority. the attack on the square changes things." said Venus. "they've overstepped." Cait added. "If we figure out who made this, It could lead us directly to whoever's behind it all." Cait continued as she stood up observing their case. "How do you intend to prove any of this." Jayce said looking between the two girls. "If we can work this out, Marcus will just have to listen." Venus said  still look at their case. "If there's one thing I know about the council, they need more than just theories." Jayce said also looking down. "since when did you concern yourself with the councils opinion." Cait said with an amused huff. " since I became a councilor." Jayce said with a shy smile. Both Cait and Venus laughed at him but soon stopped after realizing he was being serious. "your serious." Venus said looking up at him. "when? why? have they discovered how to govern with grease and a spanner?" Cait said in a sarcastic tone. "Ha ha, I was actually hoping you two would consider joining my staff?" Jayce asked as he handed Cait a letter travel compartment. "house Talis security." Cait read aloud. "that's a ceremonial position. we'd live behind a desk." Venus said as she stood up standing in between Cait and Jayce. "you guys almost died. I just want the both of you to be safe." Jayce said as he got closer to both girls. 

"thanks but we already have a job." Cait said in a harsher tone as she shoved the compartment into Jayce's hands. "well Cait you don't." Jayce said in a sad tone. "after the attack your parents spoke to the sheriff." he added. Cait groans as Venus looked down with frustration. "I don't need charity, councilor. Yours or my parents." Cait said in a harsh tone. "I suggest you get out before she rips your head off." Venus said in a soft to as Jayce nodded and left the room. "If we are right about this and we prove it than you could get your job back." Venus said in a determined voice as she walked to Cait and kneeled beside her. 

Later that day Cait and Venus went to Stillwater prison to talk to the man that was at the attack at the blimp docks. the two girls walked inside with uniforms on and walked to the Guard at the front desk. "We need to speak with one of the inmates." Venus said in a commanding tone. "oh, folks in here aren't usually very talkative." he responded. Cait and Venus looked at each other with raised eyebrows. "this one was hit by friendly fire." Cait spoke as she stepped forward. "He's got reasons to talk. Must have been sent in today." Venus said. "ah, inmate 2135. yea I'm afraid that's not possible." said lowly. "and why not." Venus said in a demanding voice as she walked closer to the desk. "there's been an incident." He said avoiding eye contact with Venus. "what kind of incident?" Cait asked while pulling Venus away from the desk. "the not so pretty kind." he answered. "you don't understand we have to talk to him." Cait pleaded. "you'll be able to as soon as he can move his jaw." the man said. "who assaulted him?" Venus asked. "Inmate 516. she was the one who attacked him." he answered.

 "well can we talked to her?" Cait asked. the man nodded as he handed Venus a clipboard of the inmates information. Venus looked down and the clipboard in shock as she saw Vi's name and her mug shot. the two girls entered the elevator and the elevator started to go down. "so, you know how I told you I was adopted when I was younger and I had two sisters, Vi and Powder." Venus said as she was still look at Vi's picture on the paper. "yeah, what about it?" Cait asked as she looked at Venus be side her. Venus looked up at Cait and pointed to the name on the clipboard. "No way, are you serious?" Cait asked as she realized that Venus's sister is the inmate they're about to visit. "all this time I never knew if any of them were alive or dead." Venus said while leaning her head back on the wall of the elevator. "well, I'll let you talk to her first. family comes first." Cait said as the elevator stopped and they stepped out. they made they're way to the front of Vi's cell as Vi was punching the back wall. Cait was off to the side giving Venus some space. "hey Vi." Venus said catching Vi off guard at the sound of her name being called. Vi turns around to see a teenage version of Venus. her younger sister who she hasn't seen for five years. "Venus?" Vi's said coming to the bars of her cell. "you've grown, and surprisingly an enforcer." she continued as she looks at her younger sister with tears starting up in her eyes. "oh please, I didn't choose to be one. anyways can we save the hugging and catching up for later, Me and my friend Caitlyn need to talk to you about something important.

Vi nodded as Cait came into view. "we took a look at your file. there's no record of you or your crimes. what are you here for?" Cait said as Vi gave her a glare. "My sunny personality." Vi said. "you attacked an inmate, why?" Venus asked as Vi looked at her with a softer look. "why not?" Vi answered. "he was a witness in an ongoing investigation." Cait said. "Bummer." Vi responded still staring at her sister. "this was a waste of time?" Cait sighed as she began to walk away but stopped when Vi began talking again. "couldn't have put it better. Hey, give Silco a kiss on that winning eye of his, will ya?" Vi asked sarcastically. "Silco? The industrialist?" Cait asked as she walked back to her previous position. "okay, this is getting old. can you just send in whoever's gonna kick the shit out of me, so I can get on with my night." Vi responded as she stepped back wait for them to leave but still stared at her sister.

 Venus took the case files and opened them as she stepped past the red line and held the case up. "does this mean anything to you?" Venus asked as Vi looked and came up against the bars of her cell. "where did you get this?" Vi asked. "My question first. He worked for Silco?" Cait asked as she stepped past the line just like Venus. "uh, They all do." Vi answered. "how can anyone not know that? where did you guys find this?" Vi continued clearly getting irritated. "there was an attack this was evidence." Cait responded. Venus always thought that the evidence was familiar but she couldn't remember clearly since she spent most of her five years trying to control her magic and help with Hex-tech. "I need proof if I am too believe what you're saying about Silco." Cait said. "I could get it for you. just not from in here."  Vi said resting her head on the bars of her cell. "In what mad world would trust someone like you." Cait said with an amused huff which caused her to earn a glare from Venus. "you enforcer's are all the same just asshole criminals in fancy uniforms, except you Venus." Vi said catching both girls off guard. "Undercity is going to eat you alive." Vi said as Venus grabbed her hand silently saying Goodbye, Venus went and caught up to Cait. the two left Stillwater and later came back with a form saying Vi could be released from Stillwater. Venus waited outside because she didn't really like Stillwater. Minutes later she saw Vi and Cait come out of the building and she walked up to Vi and hugged her. "you better tell me everything that happened in the last five years." Vi said as she  let go of Venus and they all left Stillwater to head for the Undercity. this was going to be the first time in five years she stepped foot in the undercity again.

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