F i f t e e n

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Camilla arrived at my house about an hour after school was over. She had just let herself into my room, after my parents let her in, since she knows I don't really mind.

"Okay, so what were you sad about?" she said once she plopped down into my bed, where I was sitting.

"No, you go first. It's kinda long to explain." I said. She nodded and went on.

"I think that someone finally likes me." she whispered, as if someone were listening.

"Why do you think this guy likes you?" I asked.

"Well, we have only one class together, but I always see him staring at me. Also, he just started to flirt with me today and he gave me his number!" she squealed.

"And who is this mystery guy?" I asked. I was actually very happy for her, she hardly got any guys so this is a first.

"Corey Haim!" she jumped up off my bed and exclaimed.

I felt my stomach drop.

Just kidding, I'm no longer happy for her. She can leave now.

"Um, Corey Haim? The one with the blondish hair, cute face?" I confirmed. She nodded.

"Oh." was all I could say.

"So tell me about you." she was still smiling because Corey "likes" her.

"Oh um, well I felt light headed and fainted this morning. It was nothing serious, I was only out for like two minutes." I lied.

"Are you okay now?" she looked concerned, I felt a little bad for lying.

"Yeah, of course." I tried to pull it off like I wasn't bothered by what she had just told me.

"Okay, well, I'm going to head home now." she said, then we said our goodbyes.

When she walked out my door, I heard her talking to my parents.

"Is everything okay at home?" my Mom asked.

I face palmed.

"Yeah! Why wouldn't it be?" Camilla said.

"Never mind, I was just asking." My Mom said.

"But if you can talk to us if you need to. We're like your second family." I could tell Camilla had no idea what she was talking about.

This has been a disappointing night.


Freaking Camilla

she makes me mad, I want to kill her off already

kidding, kidding

who wants to hear a joke?

what's it called when an apple eats another Apple?

Can-apple-ism *ba dum psst*

Preacher's Daughter // Corey HaimWhere stories live. Discover now