"That's it." The pastor smiled, "Please wait a moment."

He Shi Shiran turned to leave.

It is normal for people who are sick or troubled to ask for the holy water blessed by the priest to pray for peace.

After Yu Yuan waited for a long time, he saw the priest come back with a small glass bottle in both hands, and solemnly handed the bottle to him.

"Thank you." Yu Yuan lowered his head to take it and held it in his hand, he really didn't dare to say a word. The original impulse from the blood family made him want to refute the God of Light more and more, and he wanted to smash the bottle at any time.

It's useless if you smash him.

Yu Yuan turned his head and wanted to leave, but the priest stopped him, "Please wait a moment."

He just listened to what the priest was muttering in his mouth, and then lightly tapped on top of Yu Yuan's head and drew a character shape with his finger. This was the simplest blessing ceremony.

"God of light above, may our Father bless you, young man."

The priest's eyes were burning, Yu Yuan holding the bottle and looking like he was sick obviously made him misunderstand something, "I hope you and your family are all well and get through this difficult time."

Yu Yuan: "..." It's not necessary.

The Dark God is above, and as the "father" of the blood race, he is someone else.

And he's still waiting to go back and kill his "family" with this holy water.

Yu Yuan could only return a stiff smile.

A small bottle of holy water is not much, so you have to plan and use it sparingly.

Yu Yuan has made three failed notes and recorded the impact on the blood clan under various circumstances.

It is currently known that the loss of blood will weaken the strength of the blood clan a little, and the effect of garlic is minimal. As for the silverware... Judging from the burnt skin of the prince at that time, I am afraid it should be the most effective. s things.

But he couldn't directly stab someone's heart with a dagger. He had to use other things to help him to reduce the opponent's strength to a certain extent.

Holy water is a new attempt.

This time it turned back to Lambert.

Yu Yuan first dripped some into it while adjusting the blood, but Lambert's evaluation after drinking it was still only a problem with the ratio of lemon juice and celery salt, and kindly suggested Yu Yuan to increase the dosage of certain ingredients.

Then, when the two of them were lying in their respective coffins during the day, Yu Yuan poured the remaining holy water on Lambert's body. In exchange, Lambert opened his eyes, and the burning marks on his body were gone. , and pulled Yu Yuan into the coffin, "returning" to him a little of his own blood.

For the last time, Yu Yuan simply went to church again.

Under the gaze of the God of Light and the singing of the whole church, a blood race obtained holy water as much as a bottle of wine from the priest.

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