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"I SWEAR A SKELETON SHOT ME OFF," Viv shouts back. We're playing Minecraft hardcore on stream and Viv had almost a stack of diamonds that they were bringing back. I sigh.

"You know I doubt that, but whatever its cool," I smile. I look down and my phone lights up with a call from the man himself, Mr Gold. "Chat, look whos calling!" I bring my screen up to my facecam. The chat starts going crazy and I smile answering the call. "HI WILL IM LIVE!"

"Ooooo Wilburrrr?" Viv chimes in.

"Oh uh then we'll talk later then?" Wilbur seems nervous.

"Hey hey hey whats wrong? Do you need me to end stream?" Viv goes quiet.

"Uh no, I was just going to ask you a question," he replies. I look out the window and see that it is now dark, I then check the time on the bottom of my computer and see that it is midnight. I've been streaming for four hours without realizing. What could he need this late?

"Well I just realized how long I've been streaming so ask me this mystery question soon alright?"

"Mhm!" I hear him hum. My thumb hovers over the red phone button to hang up the call before Wilbur shouts.

"Don't forget your an idiot and I hate you."

"You said you loved me the other day dumbshit," I recoil. My phone beeps three times with a familiar sound of him hanging up. I giggle and mute myself on discord. "Alright guys this is going to be the last of our stream. I hope you all had an amazing day and if it's morning for you I hope I started off your day good! I love you all, byeeee!" I click end stream and push my chair away from my desk slightly. Picking up my phone, I ring up Will and stand up to stretch.

"Hello?" I say sleepily when I start to hear his breathing.

"Hello my beautiful girlfriend."

"You won't get over that I'm your girlfriend anytime soon, huh?"

"Nope!" I can hear the smile in his voice. I jump on my back onto my comfy bed letting my messy hair spread behind my head.

"So what did you want to ask me Mr Gold?"

"Would you like to go on a date with me to the amusement park?" he asks. My lips curl upward into a smile.

"Nope, never," I say jokingly. I can start to hear sniffles and a fake cry. I roll my eyes and smile wider. "Fine fine. I'll go with you."

"Always works," he chuckles. "I'll be over in 30." I roll my eyes again.

"See you soon."


I hear my bedroom door open. I pop my head out of my bathroom and see Wilbur walking in. I walk out of the bathroom and greet him. I give him a quick hug and stand up on my tippy toes to kiss him. After I pull away he opens his eyes and stares at me with a soft look.

"You're beautiful," he whispers.

"I'm not even done getting ready," I chuckle.

"I don't care," he smiles.


We arrive at the amusement park and I get out of the passenger side of the car. Wilbur meets me around the front of the vehicle and he takes his hand in mine. He then pulls me forward towards the rides.

We walk to the front desk and pay for our wrist bands. I look around amazed at the sight of the bright lights shining brightly from the rides. We walk into the gate that leads into the park. He takes my hand in his once again and pulls me towards a roller coaster. A smaller one, I'd say. It didn't have many twists and turns, a good one to start on.

I scream in joy as we're now on our fifth....? roller coaster. We've been on so many I can't even count. And I wouldn't want to do with with anyone else. Only him.

As we fall into the wind beneath our feet I fling my arms up into the air. The air flies out of my lungs as I let out a pricing scream of joy. I look over at Wilbur and he's doing the same, but it doesn't sound like the happiest scream in the world, rather fear. I laugh at him before my stomach drops as we circle into a loop de loop. I'm upside down, enjoying the weirdly amazing view of all the colorful lights flashing around us. I close my eyes and smile even bigger. Enjoying this amazing moment.

I catch my breath as we stumble out of the cart that was holding us the whole time. I look over at Will and he doesn't look the greatest. I smile and walk in front and face him. My arms extend to hold his waist. My head rests upon his chest.

"Are you doing ok Will?" He wraps his arms around my back and nods.

"Of course I am," I lift my head up. "I'm with my girlfriend in an amusement park," he smiles widely. I nod and grab his arm, pulling him to the Ferris Wheel.

We climb onto the cart, still holding hands. As the worker closes our cart shut he walks away to the control panel and starts it. We start slowly moving upward. I slide over to the edge of the seat and I look over the rail, to see that we have stopped at the top. I smile brightly and look over to my boyfriend. He stares at me with delight. I roll my eyes to realize he was watching me the whole time. I quickly stand up to strudle over his long legs. My arms wrap around his neck as I softly kiss him. He holds my waist and pulls me towards him. I smile into his lips and he does the same.

I roll my head down so then our foreheads where he does the same. We sit there for a bit until the ride starts to move again. I jump off his lap and snuggle into the side of him. His arm stretches around me, I lay my head down onto his shoulder enjoying the delighted faint screams of joy coming from other rides, the cheers and music, and the pretty lights flickering once again.

"Are you having fun mi amor?" He says in a low voice. It makes me shiver.

"Of course my dear. Any date with you is amazing," he rubs my arms gently as the ride comes to a stop after circling around a few times. I stand up and look up to smile at him, to which he's doing to same. As we walk away from the Ferris Wheel I look back up at him. "I'm hungryyyyy," I whine.

"Fine fine lets go get some food."

"YAYYY!" I twirl around in a circle to then race to the nearest food stand. Although it's kind of hard to see in the dark, I accidentally trip over a chair and I fall onto the ground, laughing. All I can hear is the booming sound of air escaping Wilbur's lungs as he lets out a large laugh. I didn't care about the eyes staring, I didn't care about the people walking away or offering me to help. All that matters is my boyfriend laughing, smiling, having a good time. I've done my part and I'm proud.


"Mm this corn dog is soo good ," I mumble as I take another bite.

"Good, that shits expensive," I giggle at him as I finish the last bite of my food. I gasp and my eyes grow wide.

"Lets get candy floss!" He smirks and rolls his eyes standing up to pull his wallet out. I jump up out of the chair and ran to the stand once more. Wilbur catches up with me and pays for candy floss. We walk over to the middle of the pathway and I ask a random stranger to take a picture of Wilbur and I. We pose with the floss and she takes the picture, then gives the phone back. We thank her and walk away back to the car.

"Thank you for this Wilby, it was really nice to spend this time with you," I smile as I get into the passenger side of the vehicle.

"You've given me the world angel, this is the least I could do," my smile grows as I look over at my pretty boy.

"I love you Wilbur."

"I love you more Y/n."

My New Neighbor || Wilbur x Reader || She/her pronounsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora