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(TW! Mention of family death)

The smell of blueberry pie filled my house. It reminded me of when I visited my grandma. She used to make bake goods all the time. Pies were her specialty, everyone in the family loved her sweets. She died when I was 18, before passing she gave me her recipes since I helped her bake often. It never tastes the same though. I miss her, we were pretty close ever since I was born.

I ran upstairs to read my new book I got the other day. It was about a girl falling in love with a boy that worked at her office. I finished it at 2:45am. Not realizing how late it was. I sighed, I wasn't tired. I grabbed my phone and scrolled through social media for a while.

I looked out my window to see the tall man sitting in his window plucking the strings to his guitar. He seemed focused, almost like whatever he was singing meant a lot to him. He was amusing. I watched him play for a couple minutes, but minutes turned into an hour. He just had this soft vibe to him, it comforted me. The ceiling light beamed on his fluffy hair. Still curly as ever.

He looked over to see me looking at him. I forgot my lamp was still on, it was shining right on my face. He furrowed his eyebrows and gave me a confused smile. I nervously giggled as I smiled back and stuffed my nose in my book to escape this awkward moment. So much for a good impression.

The next day I was going to hang out with my best friend Vivian. They've been my close friend since year nine. We met in the school bathroom where I was crying over stress and they walked in on me. She let me hit her vape and calmed me down. Ever since then we've been friends.

I took a shower and got ready for the day. I went downstairs to make breakfast. My empty stomach was yelling at me to eat.

Viv honked her horn to let me know they were here. I jog outside to see they changed their hair color to emerald green.

"Hey chick, hop in!" they patted the passenger seat, signaling for me to sit down.

"Green huh? Looks good on you," I say sliding into the car and onto the seat.

Theu pull a strand of hair to look at it. "Yea I think it looks good."

They had dark brown skin, a little lighter than dark coffee. Even lighter freckles were showing through since it was getting warmer out. She had ocean blue eyes. They looked like crystals, so mesmerizing.

"We still going to the mall then Tescos?"

"Yessss," I click my seatbelt and they started driving.

We ended up staying at the mall for three hours. We got lots of new outfits/jewelry/books and picked up some boba on the way out. By that time it was twelve o'clock. We strutted to the car park with hands full of bags.

We pulled into the Tescos parking lot. I got out laughing my ass off at the jokes Viv and I were making. After being in there for an hour we walked out of the store. I stopped in my tracks. Viv still walking not realizing that I quit walking.


"Hey, uh are you alright?"


That's it, the boy acrossed from my window was the man that checked on me that one night.

My eyes were filled with shock. I couldn't believe it, I don't think either of us realized we already met. To be fair it was almost pitch black outside. The only light that we had were the street lights and the small light inside Tescos. Still couldn't believe I didn't even catch his name the second time we talked. I have to thank him for that night and apologize for my stupid behavior.

Viv realized I wasn't getting into the car so they leaned their head out the window yelling for me to hop in. On the ride back home I couldn't stop thinking about my discovery. He was a lot better looking than what I saw on that night.

"Hey you done daydreaming yet?" Viv shakes me playfully.

"Uh yeah, it wasn't really daydreaming I was just... thinking." I look out the window to see it slightly start to rain.

"Well are you going to tell me or not," they smile.

"It's nothing really, just excited to read my new books."

They hit their vape, smiling and they roll their eyes at me.

"Is that the only thing you do nowadays? Read? That's not a life I would want to live. Go out for once, have some fun, go on adventures, make new friends, fall in love. That's what life is about. Living it."

"I guess I'm not cut out for that sort of lifestyle," I say with a quiet smirk of sadness.

Viv pulls over. "Y/n you need to get out of the house more. Your sad, you need to find light in that life of yours. Didn't you get new neighbors? Why don't you say hi to them?"

I close my eyes and sigh. "I-it's complicated."

They slowly turned back to the wheel and started driving. The whole drive back to the house was silent. I grabbed my stuff and we said our goodbyes as I left the car and walked back towards my front door. Glancing over at the tall mans window.

I bring my bags up to my room and set them on my bed. I grab a new book and sit on the window. The new book smell made my mood a little bit better. I closed my eyes and laid my head back on the wall I was propped up against. I thought about what Viv had said, I scoffed at the thought of romance. The only romance I'll enjoy is the romance in my books...

My New Neighbor || Wilbur x Reader || She/her pronounsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora