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Seconds felt like days, and days felt like years. I sat in my window, like I do everyday. My bedroom has turned into a prison. A prison that is escapable. But I choose not to leave. My skin feels heavy. Dark circles surround my eyes. My face has gone red and puffy from my constant crying. It's only been a week and I'm a mess. Viv comes over once a day to check on me and give me food since I'm not motivated enough to go down the stairs. I spend most my time hugging a pillow and staring into Wilburs room. I can still smell his sent on it, the pillow he slept on. I nudge my face into the pillow and peacefully lay there. I tear runs down my face. I can't even feel when I'm crying anymore, it's just a normal thing.

I wish I could scream, scream until my throat hurts. Cry until I'm drained of tears, so I can pass out. Knowing that I wouldn't have him filling my mind for atleast one second. But yet, I'm still a glass bottle, a glass still being filled despite the water dripping over the edges.

I lift my head back up and wipe away my warm tears. My eyes trail to the concealed flower on my desk. A petal has fallen. It still looks as beautiful as ever. Under it was the letter. The letter. The letter that Wilbur wrote, for me. I sit there staring at it. I finally work up the courage to set the pillow aside. I carefully drop down to the floor. I take slow but wide steps, not knowing if I want to read it or not.

I reach my desk, the rose is so ravishing. My hand touches the cold glass case and pushes it to the side. The letter is turned face down so I wouldn't be able to read it until I picked it up. My lungs fill with a deep breath of oxygen. The paper under my fingertips is telling me to do it. I swiftly pick it up and my eyes drag across the words.

The Beauty Of A Rose

Roses stand out from the garden. From the rest of the flowers.

The red rose is the most angelic, graceful, fascinating one of them all.

That delightful scent that anyone could fall in love with.

The beauty and sweetness that the rose gives is incomparable.

Prickly thorns are what tie them all together.

I may get pricked but it's all worth it because I have all I want in my grasp, in my hands.

You are beautiful, sweet, charming, and bold.

Just like the rose.

My hand slaps over my mouth. Tears instantly run down my face. I read it over and over. The delightful words echo through my head. A smile crept onto my face. All worries went away. These were tears of joy. It felt as if, he were here with me. I could feel his presence linger. Maybe that's my mind going insane. But I don't mind. Maybe going mental isn't such a bad thing. I cross my arms around the paper and pull it close to my chest. I let my head fall and I close my eyes. My mind was quiet, everything was peaceful.

"Y/nnn wake up!" Viv shakes me aggressively. My eyes shoot open, alarmed.

"Jesus what are you doing?" I'm somehow laying in bed?

"Giving you food. Now eat before it gets cold," they give me a tray of meatloaf and a baked potato. They jump onto my bed and lay on their back looking at their phone. I sit up and start filling my mouth with food. It's so much easier to swallow now.

"Thank you."

"I give you food everyday. Why are you now saying thank you?" They chuckle.

"I'm feeling a bit better today."

"Oh that's good. I'm happy your getting better. Hey about the piece of paper that you were sleeping with?"

"You didn't read it did you?" My voice panicked.

"Uh no?" They furrow their eyebrows.

"Where is it!?" I anxiously scrambled through the sheets trying to find the poem.

"Damn, relax I put it on your desk," my eyes shoot up to look at my desk. It's there. I let out a relived sigh. "What's with that note?"


"Bullshit. You wouldn't not be searching like a maniac if it was nothing."

"It was from Wilbur," my voice is hushed.

"Oooo. Ok I'll leave it be then."

"Thank you," I take another bite of my food. I finally feel hungry again. Viv places a hand on my knee.

"I'll get this figured out. Can you wait a little longer?" I nod my head.


"Good. You will see him again, soon," I fall onto their body. I enfolded into their arms. They stroked my hair. Using their fingers as a comb.

"I miss him."

"I know you do. I'll get you back to him. I promise," a double promise. Damn...

A/n here! Credits to REDACTED_MILKTEA for the second paragraph. I edited it a bit but they were the ones to come up with it. Sorry it was short. I'm tired and lazy haha. Ily have a good night/day. Your worth it, your loved. <3

My New Neighbor || Wilbur x Reader || She/her pronounsWhere stories live. Discover now