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Y/n POV:

It was a nice day, sunny with the temperature of 53 degrees. I get interrupted by the sound of beeping, I set my book down and look outside. It looks like new neighbors are moving in.

This soon? It's been a day since the Harrison's moved out. I saw three men moving things out of the box van (moving truck). I couldn't get a good glimpse of their faces though. I was frowned at the thought of there being new people moving in. The neighborhood has been the same since I moved here, and I wasn't ready for it to change. My book made me feel sleepy so I jumped into my bed in hopes of taking a quick nap.

I woke up two hours later to the doorbell being rung. I scratch my messy hair and slowly get out of bed, dragging my feet downstairs to the door. My neighbor to the left of me was there. Her name is Heather and she's a couple years older than me. We don't really talk much so it was a surprise to me that she was at my door.

"Hey Y/n, I didn't know we were getting new neighbors!" She seemed over excited about the situation. I invited her in so we could talk more. We sat at the dining table in my kitchen.

"Uh yea the Harrison's moved out yesterday, wasn't expecting new people to move in so soon," I rubbed my tired eyes to wake up.

"There seems to be some good looking guys over there," she has a smile that seemed to go from ear to ear. She has perfectly straight, white, teeth. Her green eyes shimmering with exhilaration.

"Go for it, I'm perfectly fine with the romance in my books," I wanted to be left alone and Heather to go home.

"Awesome! More for me," she looked through the window watching them bring in boxes," I'm going to introduce myself. She slides out of the chair and heads out the door. I watch her walk up to one of them. She was very energetic, always have. She bounced as she talked to one of them she hands him a small piece of paper as she winked at the man. Knowing her it was probably her number. She moves fast with all relationships she has, friends, partners, maybe family idk. She struts away and heads in the direction of her house after giving the new neighbor a hug.

I got ready for a new stream I had planned. I decided to play CSGO with the viewer count being only 1k. I was slipping off from my 'fame'. After an hour I ended to go eat a meal.

I found a pasta recipe online and decided to make that. While it was cooking I sat down at the table and scrolled through my twitch analytics. I dropped a huge amount of followers in the passed two weeks. That's what I get for only streaming twice in that amount of time. I put my phone down and lay my head on the table and ran my fingers through my hair. How am I supposed to earn money now?

The timer for the pasta went off so I finished adding the seasonings and sauce to it. After finishing my last noodle I stored the rest of the food in Tupperware. I also saw a pie recipe I wanted to try and thought it would be a perfect time to do so since there were new people I needed to introduce myself to. I'm nervous, I'm going to be living next to these people for a long while. I need to make a good first impression.

While the pie is baking I rush upstairs to get ready for the day. Even though it was 4pm. I curled my hair and did my makeup. I was never really good at beauty stuff. I threw on some legging and a hoodie. Stylish and comfortable.

I ran downstairs to grab the pie out of the oven. It smelled amazing, wishing I could try it I ended up not doing so. I grabbed my book from my room and read on my window cill waiting for the pie to cook off a bit. I looked over to see a tall lanky man with brown curly hair start unpacking the stuff in his room a-crossed from mine. I didn't get a good look at his face hence I would get caught staring at him.

I grabbed the pie and took a few deep breaths as I walked over to the new neighbors. I knocked at the door trying not to drop the pie. Good impression, good impression, good impression. The same man from the bedroom opened the door. He filled up the whole door with his height. He seemed warming and genuine. Looked like he gave the best hugs. He was wearing round glasses and his kind chocolate eyes were staring at me, I got lost in them for a second.

"Oh, hello." He said with a confused look on his face.

"Oh, um hi I'm your neighbor," I tilted my head towards my house. "I live right there and I saw you guys moving in. Wanted to give you this pie as a welcome to the neighbor hood." I gave a soft smile as I handed the man the pie. He weirdly looked... familiar?

A/n here! This chapter was quite long, do you like them being longer or shorter like what I was doing before? I want to make this story as enjoyable that I can :) Have a good day/night and thank you for reading so far!

My New Neighbor || Wilbur x Reader || She/her pronounsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant