"Oh my god mom Will isn't gay." You say with your head in your arms. "And stop calling him gay because he isn't. You're so annoying when you do that."

Mom looks you up and down, as if you just committed murder. "Get to school."

"You're not going to apologise?" You question.

"You're not going to quit the tone?!" She snaps. "Now get out before you don't go to California! I mean it, in fact i get one more phone call from that school and you don't go! I don't care if you get full A's!"

"That wasn't the deal though!" You yell.

"I don't know what's happened to my daughter, but ever since dad died you've been a little bitch! Get out and come home later with an apology, you're lucky im even considering you going!" You stand there in shock, she's never screamed at you like that before.

You grab your keys and slam the door shut, how could she use that against you? In fact she's that much of a bitch she probably would if she actually knew what had happened.

You swing your leg on your bike and put your skateboard in your left arm and started riding to school. You admit she's right in some areas, your behaviour at school is shocking. Ever since Will moved away it has been, and your grades are shit, you'll have to remember to make your teacher change them later.

After a quick ride you pull up at Hawkins High, seeing the bus roll in at the same time. You jump off your bike while its still going and it crashes into some girl's bike causing her to fall over. You laugh to myself and throw your board on the floor and ride over to the bus.

You see Ms Kelly stood in the middle of the car park in front of school, pointing everyone towards the gym for the pep rally. She turns around and starts shouting someone, to your convenience its exactly who you need.

"Max!" She shouts, your red headed friend rolls her eyes as she pulls her headphones from her eyes and walks over to her. You approach both of them to hear Ms Kelly going on about their sessions.

"Come straight after lunch okay?" Ms Kelly says to Max.

"Hey Max" You say beaming at her.

Max gives you a small smile and as you are both about to start walking Ms Kelly pipes up again. "y/n, come here please."

You sigh as you turn to face her. "How can i help Miss."

"I saw what you did over there, go get your bike and apologise to Ava." She says pointing to your bike and that girl on the floor.

"Miss i really can't be bothered." You respond.

"Do i need to call your mother and tell her you're harming other students again? That would be the third time this week y/n." She says crossing her arms.

You swear under your breath and grab Max's arm. "Come on Max lets go help Miss Ava."

You and Max walk over while you clutch onto your board, by the look on Ava's face she looks like shes going to cry.

"Can you get away from my bike please i don't think it's into whatever weird shit you're in to." You announce to Ava.

"What is wrong with you!" She yells at me.

Stranger Things x Reader Season 4Where stories live. Discover now