Chapter 52: Husband Powder is Coming

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Yes, Fang Yun was an East Palace fan. It was almost 7 when she looked at the clock. As a loyal fan, she wanted to participate in the live broadcast and contribute to The East Palace ratings, but President Yan was still working. The office blinds were drawn, vaguely revealing light inside.

She had just asked Yan Qiuchi if he wanted her to order dinner for him. He had told her no so she thought that she should be able to get off soon. As she was lost in her thoughts, she suddenly heard footsteps coming from inside. She stood up quickly and saw Yan Qiuchi walking out of his office with his coat on.

"President Yan." She immediately picked up her bag and stood up.

Yan Qiuchi responded with a "Nn", and she followed him downstairs.

Despite working by Yan Qiuchi's side for a while, her heart would still pound quickly whenever she's near him. It wasn't because of fear but more so because she felt both shy and awe. Although she knew President Yan was out of her reach, she, as a single woman, couldn't help but gaze at such an excellent man like him. He was incredibly handsome and certainly didn't lose when it comes to looks to major celebrities.

She accompanied Yan Qiuchi into the elevator as her heart continue beating wildly. Most likely it would take a long time before she could adapt to working with Yan Qiuchi. When the elevator reached the first floor, her phone suddenly rang. The ringtone was the theme song of <The East Palace is Coming> with the lines "history does not leave my name, still I remain in your memory" rang out.

The elevator bell suddenly ding as Fang Yun quickly connected her call. She chatted in a low voice and then hung up. She glanced over at Yan Qiuchi embarrassingly.

Yan Qiuchi asked: "Are you chasing The East Palace too?"

Fang Yun blushed as she nodded: "Everyone is chasing it."

Since Yan Qiuchi rarely talks, despite taking the initiative to ask, he said nothing more after. When the elevator reached the underground floor, Fang Yun walked out and said: "The ratings for The East Palace have broken 2.5 this week."

She was really excited. As a fan of the show, she would refresh and provide clicks to The East Palace's ratings daily. Her excitement level was equal to that of chasing stars.

Breaking 2.5 means that the ratings of <The East Palace is Coming> was the most popular drama in the past five years. The average ratings for both stations have sored above 2.8. Nowadays, if you don't watch The East Palace, you can't chat with colleagues*!

*Clarity: it's saying ratings are so high that anyone and everyone is watching this show and talking about it. If you don't watch it, then you have nothing to talk to your acquaintances with.

The explosive ratings mean that more effort will be spent in the later stages of the show. The company will be more willing to invest, the writers and directors will be more attentive, and the cast members will be as excited as chicken blood, returning an even greater investment. This kind of cycle will allow for it to continuously improve*.

*Clarity: good ratings -> more investment, hard working staff, actors more motivated -> greater return on investment -> better ratings -> ect. Rinse and repeat.

"Who do you like best among the characters?" Yan Qiuchi asked her suddenly.

Fang Yun was stunned at the question. After struggling for a while, she said honestly: "Li Xu."

She knew about the scandal between her boss and Shen Touhua. She even had witness one of their entanglements once. After she answered Yan Qiuchi, she became nervous. She couldn't help it. Lying to one's boss for assistants was a taboo. To edge around the corner, she used Li Xu's name instead of Shen Jintai.

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