Extra chapter

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"Sorry, I probably should have asked first. You were eating after all." I apologized, a little embarrassed.

"No no, it's fine. I don't mind kisses at any time. Besides, mint ice cream doesn't taste so bad." Horror said, licking his lips. My face flushed more- Why does he have to be such a tease? "Was there any specific reason that happened though?"

"Dream sneaked up on us, so I wanted to give him something actually worth watching." I said simply, continuing on my ice cream. I heard Horror snort.

"I know I heard someone. I wonder how he is going to react next time we battle him." Horror said, finishing up his food.

I finished up mine soon after, and Horror brought me to an arcade that had just recently opened up in Outertale. That's one of the reasons Horror wanted to take me here.

We approached a funny looking game about shooting blocks before they could make contact with the ground. This was supposedly one of the games in the arcade that gives you a lot of tickets. Horror took out a quarter and tried to play, yet lost very quickly. He tried again, and lost again. I just chuckled while he went red.

"Grrr... This game is too hard! How are you supposed to shoot at a super-monster speed before they can hit the ground! They bounce everywhere so fast!" Horror growled, gripping the sides of the machine angrily. I went behind him and rubbed his shoulders, which snapped him out of it. He was confused when he turned around to me smirking.

"What? You wanna try?" He laughed, before stepping away from the machine so I could stand in front. I mean, I can try to beat it, but I just found it funny how angry he gets.

"Sure." I volunteered, looking at the controls in front of me. I adjusted my hands, and started the game.

The first few levels were easy, but then it quickly got fast and hard, having to quickly move to the exact spot of where the square will be and shoot before it could make it to the floor. Horror was shocked that I was getting every square. The joystick my hands gripped going back and forth at a super-human speed. It got so bad that I snapped the joystick off the machine. The machine kept playing until I actually lost. I pouted, backing up into Horror.

"Ugh, I could've made it farther. I see why you got so angry at this game now." I groaned and huffed. Horror just seemed shocked, before grabbing my shoulder and pointing with his other hand.

"Dust look!" Horror pointed at a huge pile of tickets the machine spat out. I just grinned, throwing away the broken joystick. They won't notice.

We grabbed all the rolls of tickets and took it to the counter. The person that worked there seemed surprised, but just sighed and pointed to the selection of prizes we could get with this amount.

These things always charged a lot of tickets for something actually good. We still were only allowed to get crappy things cuz arcades are just rigged like that.

"What do you think Dust?" Horror said. I just shrugged. I didn't even bother to look around that much as none of it seemed worth getting.

While I was spacing out in my own thoughts, I felt Horror tap my shoulder. I turned around to see a shark stuffed animal in my face. Confused, I took it from his hands. It was so squishy.. I blushed, looking back at Horror.

"Did you really get this for me?" I asked. He nodded, before leaning down to kiss my forehead.

"Of course, I'm still treating you afterall. Do you like it?" Horror grinned, awaiting my answer. I gazed back at the cute stuffed toy in my hands, and at the moment, I never realized how much I liked sharks. I smiled, caressing Horror's arm, leaning my head on his shoulder near his neck, before whispering..

Endless Echo [Horrordust; Horror x Dust]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu