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Getting ready for work and preparing my kids for school it's an extreme sport for me especially after arriving home late from an emergency that needed to be taken care of.

Stepping into the kitchen I find my husband wearing his reading glasses. There's a mug of hot coffee in front of him, and a Shiloh newspaper next to the mug.

My children are finishing up their cereals, and their juice glasses are half empty.

“Finish up your juice, then go and brush your teeth, your transport will be here in 5 minutes,” I say, ruffling their hair.

“You heard your mother, sons. You have 4 minutes left of your time,” Tom tells them.

They gulp down their juice and get off the chairs once done.

“Do you have any meetings today?” I ask Tom, clearing the table.

“Yes, I have two meetings and in between them I'll go and check on the businesses.”

Thomas is the owner of Masuku logistics, Masuku construction & maintenance, Masuku recycling & community work programs, and he's the owner of Gulf stream garage.

He's been talking about a lot of politics lately. I don't even know what brought about for him to even think of joining politics.

“Oh, okay. If you are done by 19:00, can you meet me and the kids at Brianna's for dinner? I feel like eating out tonight, and the kids have been saying that they miss the burgers and fries with milkshakes.”

“Okay. I'll meet you there, or you'll meet me there. We will see how it goes, but we are definitely doing dinner at Brianna's.”

“That's my husband.” I give him a peck. “Now where the hell are those kids? Montego! Montago! Get your asses down here right now.”

Their father gave them these stupid names and they prefer being called with them over Banele & Bandile, the names that I gave them.

“Language. You can't use such language anyhow you see fit, we are raising boys' children here, Gwendolyn. They'd think that such words are normal,” Tom lambastes me.

“I'm sorry, but the usage of vulgarity is always at the tip of my tongue. I promise to do better.” Lies.

Montago & Montego come running down the stairs laughing. They are each other's best friends after all.

“We are here, Mommy,” Montego says giving me his best smile.

Montego is talkative while Montago is laid back, and only talks when needed.

“Backpacks?” I ask.

“Here.” They raise them.

“Lunchboxes & fruits?”


“Good boys, now go and wait for your trans—” a hoot comes. “What do you know? It's already here,” I say, giving them kisses. “Have a good day.”

“Thanks, Mommy. Bye Daddy,” they say, stepping outside.

“Let me go fetch my handbag, and then head to work,” I say leaving the kitchen.


My table is already set up. I'm ready to start the day. I've been working here at Messiah attorneys for 4 months now. My cousin who works here hooked me up with the job.

Working for Mr. Motsamai has been blissful. He's such a great boss, and he treats all of his workers equally. There's no favoritism.

And to be honest, I don't really need this job because my husband takes care of me and my needs. I don't pay the bills, school fees, or buy groceries every month.

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