
The woman said with delight, "Steve will be jealous!"

Caleb chuckled. "Good to hear that! But why?"

"When I tell him I saw you. And you talked to me!"

Her friend, who was sitting on the seat, with her back towards Caleb, turned around and looked at Caleb and smiled and then told her friend, "Steve, no doubt will not believe you, Kels."

"I know. Will have to rely on you to back me!"

"Or get a photo with you and him?" Her friend said with a cheeky smile as she looked at Caleb.

"His girlfriend might not be happy!" Kels said pointedly, as she dug for news.

Caleb could not help the smile, they were talking as if he couldn't hear their conversation. "My girlfriend?" He asked.

"Yes, the woman who came here with you."

"Jena. And you have probably noted she is currently serving customers!" He pointed at the counter. "When," He chuckled, and added, 'if she returns to this table, we can ask her to join us in the photo."


Twenty minutes later, Jena returned to the table.

Caleb grinned as he got to his feet. "Peace offering? He gestured at the brown bags that Jena put on the table. "Because you took me on a date and left me the table!"

Jena chuckled. "Just thought you might enjoy it after your dinner tonight."

At the next table the two women got to their feet and caught Caleb's eyes, reminding him about the photo. Jena glanced around when Caleb's smile grew and he nodded. Jena looked behind her when Caleb got to his feet.

"You ok?" Jena asked.

Caleb draped an arm around her shoulder, "I promised these ladies a photo with us."

"Us?" She said automatically.

"Yes, us." He pressed a kiss to her temple, and she smacked his chest with the flat of her palm.

"A photo of me and you, or just you?" Jena teased, and assumed that this was the plan.

"We come as a package!" Caleb grinned, and Jena could not help her smile.

Kels smiled with embarrassment, "er, sorry, I already took photos. You can have them, if you have a iphone I can transfer them via air message. They are really good, see?" She passed her phone to Caleb.

"Perfect. We look great, Jena!" He chuckled. Jena again playfully smacked him. He held her hand to his chest and grinned and asked the women, "So you still want a photo of us with you before Jena pulverised me?"

"Yes, please. Not about you being pulverised by your girlfriend!"

Jena nearly told her, she was not Caleb's girlfriend. Instead she said, "I can take it, if you want you and friend with Caleb?" Jena offered. "And I can pulverise him later without an audience and not ruining his tough guy reputation."

They grinned. "Thanks. That would be great."

So Jena took two photos, and handed the phone to Kels. 

Kels and her friend looked at the photos. "Perfect. Thanks." She glanced at Jena and Caleb. "Would like a copies of the photos?"

"Yes, please." Caleb retrieved his iphone, and the photos were transferred to his phone.

"Thanks again. My brother will be really jealous! Hope I have not ruined your date. But thanks for the photos. Anyway, I should let you get on. Thanks again. Bye."

"Bye" Jena and Caleb chorused.

Caleb was not surprised when the man followed the two ladies out of the café.

"Perfect." Caleb murmured.

"What is?" Jena glanced around, as he watched Caleb's antics.

"Our plan."

"Our plan? I thought we just sorted it."

He nodded at the window.

Jena saw the two women talking to man. "Oh, you mean the social media thing." She teased, "Yes, we were lucky, someone recognised you!"

He chuckled. "I think we hit the jackpot!"

She smiled. "You know, I think your plan was great!" Jena's eyes flashed with humour and happiness. "She has photos of us, with you actually kissing my temple! I am sure that will be enough to stop that troll! I must thank my guardian angels."

"Delighted to see the twinkle back in your eyes. " He chuckled when she pouted at him. And the flash in her eyes was a switch, setting off a cascade of sparks in his system. He was getting used to his heart racing in her presence. He looked over at Jena, reached for her palm and squeezed it, "And our plan is definitely working. But even better than that."

"What do you mean?" With his thumb caressing the back of her hand, unexpected fireworks exploded.

"Noticed that man?" Caleb nodded at window, drawing Jena's attention to the milieu outside of the café.

Jena crooked her head, then placed her hands on the table, and lean forward, as the man was moving away. She sat back on her chair, "Another friend? I did not see him. I guess he wanted to be in the photo."

"No, he just wanted the photo."

"Your photo, with those two women?"

"Probably. But more likely our photo. Because he is a reporter?"

"What makes you think he is a reporter?" Jena asked.

"The fact they just transferred the photo to his phone and he has just paid them!"

"They sold the photo?" Scandalous, she thought.

"Probably a token sum. But yes. I think we will not need social media. With a bit of luck, it might appear in newspaper next morning or the later edition."

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