Part 62

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Caleb looked at Isaac and nodded at the front door, "Isaac, move your car." Isaac nodded in acknowledgement and headed for the exit. Jena remained at the door, to buy herself some time to collect her thoughts and find her equilibrium before she takes her place on the car driver's seat. 

Caleb stalked up to Jena, stopped a few short inches from her, he asked, "What do you mean?"

She held up her hands, closed her eyes and reined in her frustration, "Sorry. I was just being flippant." She took another breath and then turned her head, so that he could see the contrition in her eyes. " I would not damage his car." She sighed, "And it would be stupid if I followed through with that, as it would cost me, not him!" She rubbed her forehead. Her headache was about to re-emerge, "I am just fed up with this farce and the fact your family thinks they can bully me!"

Caleb narrowed his eyes. "a, my family are not trying to bully you. And b, I am not talking about Isaac's car. I was asking about your statement." Caleb watched her eyes, at least the fury was replaced with signs of serenity.

"Which statement?" She asked quietly and kept rubbing her temple.

Caleb did not look at his sister as he issued what could only be interpreted as an order. "You said you made your best available. What did you mean by that?" Caleb kept his eyes trained on Jena.

Her voice was calmer, her eyes less heated. But he could see that she was still not happy. "Sally is the best in the business. Your sister knows that. We assigned Sally to this contract."

Caleb looked over at his sister. Sophie squirmed. Caleb's brain was reviewing Jena's statements.

Jena said with pride, "Sally has won many awards for her cakes."

"Congratulations." His tone included sarcasm, "That is, apparently why Sophie wanted a cake by your company." 

Jena continued, "Exactly! My company. We have customers who plan their wedding date around Sally's availability!  You and your family persuaded me to take on Sophie's and Isaac's commission. I made the wrong decision. " She again rubbed her forehead, sure she could not stop her headache. She sighed, "I pulled Sally off other jobs to take this one on." Jena rattled out the statements. "Clearly I was having a brain-fart." She took a breath to keep her new equilibrium, and with a subdued voice she said, "As I said, Sally is the best in the business."

Caleb scowled. "So what's the problem?" He was treading through treacle, he thought, dealing with her capricious behaviour while their milieu was shifting around him.

"No problem." Jena glowered as her equilibrium vanished like an early mist in a desert.  This family thought they could pull her strings to suit them. "Well, not any more!" Jena did not lower her eyes because she was fed up and her headache was escalating.

"Ms Silva, I suggest you review your position." Caleb's tone was calm and his eyes, like Jena's eyes, showed he was furious. His eyes were flashing warning signs. Signs that Jena ignored.

"My position?" Jena was tempted to yell as rage re-established its presence.

"Yes. You agreed, you signed a contract. And a week later, you attempt to cancel it." Caleb stated bluntly. "Not good practice. No sign of professionalism. No credibility. So, yes, I would said you have a problem."

She folded her arms, and said with a definite shake of her head, "As I said. Not any more." Then she shrugged as fury and her headache vied for preferences. "Well, probably a different problem." She rubbed her forehead. Jena flicked her eyes from Caleb to Sophie. Then returned her gaze to him and said, "Go ahead, Mr Harland. Sue me."

 Sophie's eyes widened. This wasn't what she expected. She had made a huge mistake. This was going to blow up in her face.

 Again Jena trained her focus on Caleb. "Given our very best person for the job is not good enough for your sister, then clearly, By Design has nothing more to offer to your sister. Goodnight." 

For several long seconds Caleb stood and simply watched Jena. He was reviewing her statements and reached a new conclusion. Jena again glanced at Sophie, who looked shocked. Then Jena looked at Isaac who had just appeared at the front door and he looked a tad bemused. Then Jena looked at Caleb. She was not sure if he was about to capitulate or about to start another argument when she noted he was studying her. So again, she said, "Goodnight Isaac. Goodnight Mr Harland."

But Caleb reached forward and grab her shoulder to stop her from leaving from the front door.  "I need a word with my sister." He turned just in time to see his sister's expression: Shock and concerns. "Wait here, Ms Silva." He ordered Jena.

Jena snorted and shrugged off his restraint. "I don't think so."

Caleb tempered his tone. "Surely you can wait one minute, Ms Silva!" Jena rolled her eyes but she remained. Caleb acknowledged her concession, and he turned around and waited for Sophie to look at him.  He had questions for his sister and he thought he could ask the questions in private, but given Jena's attitude, best that he does not leave the hallway, as no doubt she will use that to make her getaway.

"Sophie?" Sophie could see that he was far from pleased. "Want to explain what you are up to?" Caleb asked, remaining close to Jena.

"What?" Sophie squirmed. Three people noted her body language. She was avoiding eye contact with any of them.

"Sophie!" Caleb warned, as he saw something in her eyes that suggested she was stalling.

"What?" Sophie huffed.

Caleb shook his head as he reached a conclusion, "Ms Silva isn't the one who has brought us to this impasse, is she?" He folded his arms. "From what I have just heard, she has gone out of her way to provide you with the best on her team." Jena's head tipped up. He was supporting her? The man apparently possessed the fair gene. Jena's temper faded. More like a balloon that was popped by a pin. Her fury was deflated instantly.

Sophie swallowed and folded her arms. Then she tipped her chin up, and grumbled quietly, "The best on her team is Ms Silva, not Sally."

"Ms Silva confirmed Sally has won awards." Caleb reminded Sophie.

"So has Ms Silva!" Sophie pouted.

Jena interjected, "Yes. Five years ago. I have not won any awards in the last five years. Sally has topped every single competition for the last two years. Her skills were recognised, even when she did not enter, her name would be mentioned! In many competitions, her customers nominated her! And Sally won." Jena corrected instantly. "Sally is our best. I'm probably closer to third in line now. Sally is our best."  Her voice was calm. "You know that, Sophie. Given you researched my company." Sophie squirmed. Caleb was impressed by Jena's restraint. Jena said quietly, "You know I do very little on the baking and icing side of my business now. I have others in my team who are more than capable of outdoing me on both fronts. Sally is the best on my team. As I said, people arrange their wedding date to allow them to engage her!"

Caleb watched Jena's body language, and he could see that she was being kind to his sister, given his sister had not dispersed with her bridezilla behaviour. Caleb caught Jena's gaze, and his eyes offered an apology. Then he looked at his sister, "Sophie, what are you up to? Why are you scuppering this? I thought you wanted this company to make your cake." Caleb demanded as his sister's machinations seemed out of character and detrimental to her plan to have By Design make her wedding cake. He frowned at Sophie, then looked at Isaac. "Isaac, do you have an issue with By Design?"

"What? No. Of course not." Isaac frowned.

"Sophie, do you, or do not, want By Design to make your wedding cake?"

"I want Ms Silva to make it." Sophie grumbled and did not look at Isaac. She was sure that Isaac, like Caleb, their mother, and Jena, would not be happy with her behaviour.  From a diva to a toddler having a hissy fit, Jena thought. Caleb wondered if he could recover the situation. He was definitely not happy with his sister's antics. And he still had to deal with his own unexpected behaviour. 

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