Part 29

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This time, Jena turned her head and watched Melanie and Caleb as they approached Jena and Kevin. She pursed her lips and did her best not to glare at them. What happened to integrity and morals and...Jena huffed.

"Don't wait up." Melanie called blithely as she and Caleb made their way past Jena. Melanie had already ensured she had a key for the front door, as she wasn't sure what time she'd be back. Early morning was her guess. Or late morning, depending on how the evening panned out! She smiled like a Cheshire cat.

Caleb nodded acknowledging Kevin, and with good manners he said an airily, "Good night." But did not wait for a reply. "Good night Ms Silva." Caleb looked over his shoulder and murmured as he clicked the door lock fob.

Kevin blinked as his hero walked past him. Jena announced to the night air, given both Caleb and Melanie were happily ensconced in his car, "Good night." Idiot! She muttered. Then Jena turned her back to Melanie and Caleb, looked at Kevin, and rolled her eyes when she saw the disbelief in Kevin's eyes.

"That man really looks like Caleb Harland." Kevin said with astonishment, looked at Jena assuming she would confirm the identity of the man, obviously just a spit image of Caleb Harland. "Jena, I think that man really looks like Caleb Harland, don't you think so too?" He blinked as he tried to review the image he stored in his mind.

She sighed. Knowing she would face an interrogation. "I told you. He is!"

 Kevin blinked. "Really. Are you joking?"

"Yes. He is. No. I am not joking." Jena nodded at Caleb's car, "And you need to reverse." Jena told Kevin and couldn't help the smile on her lips when she read Kevin's shock at seeing a sporting legend exiting her house. Jena was still talking as Kevin sat and just stared at one of his sporting legends. Jena repeated her statement, "Earth to Kevin! Move your car."

"What?" He was staring at Caleb's car.

Jena nodded at Caleb's Bentley. "Have you noted the reverse lights on the Bentley?"

"Yes. Of course."

"And you know what that means? Like, about to reverse?" She sighed.

"Yes." He just watched the rear red lights.

"So move your car! Unless you want to pay for damage when he rams your car!" She said bluntly.

"Oh. Yes. Can't believe I know him. Well, not know him exactly, but met him! Well, not exactly. But he walked past me."

Caleb moved his car, albeit an inch, because he was waiting for Kev to move or at least move his car.

"Earth to Kevin! Kev!" Jena pointed at Caleb's car.

"Yes, yes, saw it! I was going to reverse my car." Kevin nodded, and Jena took a couple steps away. Kevin automatically put his car into reverse and backed his car out of the driveway to give Caleb space to shift his car.

Jena watched Kevin's manoeuvre as he parked his car on the verge beside the house. Jena waited on the edge of the drive and oblivious to Caleb's movement as he reversed his car. In contrast Caleb watched Jena and her friend in his car's wing mirror. Jena remained on the drive, waiting for her guest. As he drove away, in his mirror, he saw the man placed his arm on Jena's shoulder And Caleb was not happy. This was unusual, he thought. And if that man is Jena's boyfriend, he should have rammed his car when he reversed out! Caleb squashed that thought. He could not be jealous. Unexpected. And unwanted, given he was on a date with another.

Jena waited for Kevin to make his way to her and together they returned to the house.

"That was Caleb Harland, right." Kevin grinned as he placed his arm on her shoulder.

"Yes. I told you that!" Jena saw Caleb's Bentley's tail-lights disappear down her driveway and she closed the front door. Good riddance, she muttered in her head, as she replayed Melanie and Caleb leaving her house.

Kevin was full of questions and Jena could tell that he was both impressed and cowed by the fact he'd almost met one of his sporting heroes. But Jena was not going to talk about that man! She would tell her friends, he was Melanie's friend and knows nothing about him! Jena smiled, and hoped she was fast asleep in bed when Melanie returned from her date, otherwise, no doubt she'd have to endure a blow by blow account about the wonderful Mr Harland.

"So you know him?" Kevin asked with awe in his voice.


"No, but he was here..."

"Mr Harland is Melanie's friend, I believe."

"Mr Harland!  Caleb Harland. But she told you about him because he is..."

"I have no idea! But for your information, she is my cousin's friend. Not my friend." No point labouring a possible engagement between Melanie and Tony because the potential was stymied by the events of the last week and including this date. And in the back of her mind, she was pleased that Tony would not get engaged to this piranha!

"And she is staying with you." 

"Just for another week." Jena scowled, just the thought of entertaining Melanie for the next week demolished her mood!

Kevin wiggled his eyebrows, "Do you think I could get an autograph?"

"You want Melanie's autograph!"

Kevin chuckled. "You know who." They entered the lounge. Kevin looked at his friends and announced as if he had met royalty, "I nearly bumped into Caleb Harland's car and him..."
Which started another conversation about near-miss accounts with other famous people.

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