Part 49

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A week later, Jena was ready to strangle the man. He was a nuisance. In reality, his PA was persistent, for she was the one attempting to set up a mutually convenient appointment. It was the thought of his poor PA and poor Andrew being forced to keep this ping-pong-calls, which stifled their business line! So Jena conceded to meet with Caleb that Friday at the bakery.

Fridays were busy days, with delivery schedules, last minute tweaking and final adjustments. All hands on deck. Usually things were quiet by about three. Those needing to accompany the cakes would have left and all the other cakes would have been delivered earlier that morning. So Jena agreed to meet with Caleb at three at her office.

The weekend for her team would depend on the job, and the concept of 9-5 working time is a fantasy in this business! But they also knew they if wanted time out, for whatever reasons, they would not have to ask, just inform the rest of the team, with plenty notice. And that relationship worked for the 'By Design' team.

Jena usually found herself in the office at some stage in the weekend reviewing the following week's requirements and timeline for various cakes. While normally one member of the team would be at the event and the others would have the weekend free, starting from 3 pm on Friday. But this Friday was going to be different for her. Instead of checking the bookings and identifying any potential problems, she would be meeting with the juggernaut going by the name of Caleb. And seeing Caleb brought heaps of potential problems, both personally and business concerns. She just hoped she could convince him that he was wasting his, and hers, time.

He was prompt. "Thank you for meeting with me." He took note of her attire. Suited, like him. Except, he had removed his jacket and tie, while she was still buttoned up.

"Was there an option?" She queried drolly not at all concerned about the sarcasm that laced her words. "Your PA was persistent." She told him. She had returned from a meeting from a prominent CEO who wanted a cake for his company's anniversary next year, and he did not badger. That is the difference between that CEO and the one in front of her, right now. "And you were driving poor Andrew up the wall!"

He actually smiled. He really did have gorgeous eyes, and smile was devastating because his eyes confirmed he was laughing on the inside. She flashed a look at his smiling mouth, that mouth would be devastating if he kissed her. Her eyes flashed in surprise when that thought surfaced in her mind. After he had showed up at her home on her way to her next appointment, She had reviewed her feelings towards him, and by the time she had reached her destination, she had persuaded her heart and mind that it would be madness to entertain or encourage her feelings towards him.

She had made a fresh pot, and had literally just poured herself a mug when she heard his Bentley pull into one of the parking bays at her office. Her mind was racing as she tried to bank her feelings and close that door shut. "Coffee?" She asked as she gestured for him to enter the office. She'd thought at that first meeting that the man never smiled, well, not a genuine smile. But, ever since then she had come to see that he tended to smile often. She was starting to think that the reason for that smile was quite simply he found her amusing. Annoying man. She groaned silently in exasperation and alarm as her feelings for him resurfaced again.

"Please." Caleb replied.

She reached for another mug and poured him a coffee, remembering that he took it with just a dash of milk. Caleb watched her. While he was impressed by her composure, she knew she was stalling.

"Grab a seat. Mr Harland." He took one of the hard backed chairs. She handed him his coffee and then unbuttoned her jacket and murmured, "Right, why don't we get this done?" That is the way to do it, her mind reminded her. Be curt. Be professional.

He knew she was not happy about this meeting, but was fascinated by the fact she offered him refreshments while her eyes flashed with ire.

He banked his smile. There was something in her attitude that had captivated him.

Jena exhaled and in exasperation she adopted a tone she'd use to address a grumpy child. "I believe Andrew has already explained we have no free capacity to prepare a cake for your sister's wedding. So I am not sure why we need to meet."

What was it about this man that made him think that 'no' did not apply to him? And why did she still think about him and see him in her dreams? Is that the reason why you allowed this appointment, her brain questioned?

He really liked the fact that she didn't beat around the bush. But even more, he was held by the glints that sparked in her eyes and it took a beautiful face and made it riveting. But before it could derail his thoughts, he thought it would be best to take a softly-softly approach with her. A shame he did not take that route. He had experiences with difficult and stubborn customers, so he developed strategies to deal with them. Time to deploy them now! "Thanks for making time, Jena." He thought he had taken control of this meeting," I am sure you are a busy woman." He picked up his mug and hope that would cover his smile of success.

"I am." She murmured and then took a sip of her coffee. But her eyes remained on him. He was laughing at her, she thought.

He cupped the mug between his palms, registering the heat of the mug. "Thanks for this."

"You are welcome, Mr Harland. But I would appreciated it, if you stop stalling!" She said firmly.

Clearly the softly-softly approach was failing. Best to change his strategy. Be upfront. Make the elephant in the room visible. "We have a situation."

One brow rose but she said nothing. There is no situation. Just a juggernaut who could not find the reverse gear.

"I am sure we can sort it out."

"Really?" She folded her arms. With unrestrained indignation she said, "Just in case you missed my point, we have no free capacity to prepare a cake for your sister's wedding."

Caleb nodded acknowledging her position, "I'm sure, after due reflection you will reconsider the options." He said with a smile.

"Which bit of no free capacity do you think merits reflection?" She asked flatly. 

Caleb put his mug on the coaster on the small table beside his chair, and then turned to face her as he announced with what appeared to be logic, "The wedding is eight months away."
"Yes. You, and your PA mentioned that point." Jena lips quirked for a second, "Repeatedly. Consequently, we registered that point and told you, your PA and your sister, there was no available slot in our schedule."

Caleb poked his tongue into his cheek and stifled his retort. A few seconds later, he said, "As an CEO, I imagine as with most businesses there is leeway..."

Jena did her best not to huff. He seemed to think that whatever he said or thought made it true. "We have bookings almost a year in advance, so, obviously, we are not your average business. No leeway here, Mr Harland." She was tempted to snap at him. The gall of the man. How could she fancy someone who was so arrogant, she wondered.

He nearly laughed at her acerbic tone. Her stance does not match the recalcitrant people he had encountered before.

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