Part 13

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He had no intention of making this easy for her. She was the one who turned up at his office and started making demands about who he could and could not see. He admitted he found her stance amusing, given that she truly believed she could order him around. But her single-mindedly approach was draining, although it helped him with another matter! But now, he could not afford to waste any more time on this ridiculous situation when could sort out the real problem with the other CEO.

Jena was having a difficult time holding onto her composure, unlike the man she was currently castigating. He ignored her scolding. If anything, the glint in his eyes suggested he was amused by her antics. Again. Which annoyed her. She wasn't here for his amusement. She was here to tell him to back off! Obviously with little impact thus far.

She glared. And eventually settled for, "Assets." She muttered. And again wished she had reviewed her thoughts before making them known.

"My assets?" Caleb hooted, and was tempted to clutch his side, as he continued to laugh. "You know about my, er assets? His words were laced with mockery.

Jena rolled her eyes. The situation was spinning out of control.

He rubbed his jaw with his palm as he tried to bank his mirth. "I should take that as a compliment." His words dripped contempt. But his eyes revealed his amusement. "Thank you."

"Money." She clarified. The man was enjoying her predicament. Not for the first time, she wished she had thought about this meeting, prepared for a man who has no problem in destroying her thought train.

"Money?" He could not help mocking her. But for some reason, he was enjoying this encounter. Not just the argument, the fact she was maintaining her attitude, despite the fact she was digging a huge hole. Time to escalate this. "Is that why you just gave me a once over?"

She flushed. Obviously she had not masked her perusal. "I did not!" Of course the man was gorgeous. But that was not the point. She linked her fingers hoping she would not faint in embarrassment.

He inched closer. "Really?" His eyes flashed. She gulped. He banked his laugh. She edged backwards. He said, " Want a closer inspection?" Caleb quirked a brow.

She glared and snapped. "I would have, if I brought gloves, mask and bottle of bleach!" Then wished she had not revealed her pique. She was embarrassed. And she could not fathom out why she fancied!

Caleb tipped his head, as if he was actually considering the point, "So, money? Is that why you licked your lips?"

She did not flinch despite the fact her face went practically red. "I did not lick my lips. You are imagined things."

"Ok, if you say so!" He grinned. Yes, definitely, she was a poor poker player, because she was embarrassed, and he could see that in her eyes. His girlfriends knew how to play this game. But the woman currently in front of him, did not understand the rules. She does not take any precautions to tamper her statements, does not take any evasions to reveal her thoughts, does not sugar coat any complaints and does not use her appearance to get her own way.

Something about her character, her attitude, her persistence, even her stubbornness had snuck behind his fence. He liked her, despite the fact she was here to thwart his plans with Melanie and he believed Melanie would suit him, as a wife!

Jena huffed. "Your clothes ooze money! That is obvious. I bet if we look at your clothes label we would find couture labels." She muttered quietly, and hoped he would register her disdain. "Unfortunately worn with no class!"

He could help it. Again he hooted. This woman was funny, despite the fact she did not want to be amusing! "Money, and" He chuckled and paused, showing he heard her mumbles, "and lack of class, according to you?"

She folded her arms and glared, "Yes. No sign of class, at all! Your lifestyle."

"Lifestyle." Again he laughed loudly. Drolly drawled, "Have you thought about a new career as stand-up comedian?"

She was tempted to stamp her foot in huff. But clearly that would not help her position. So she snapped, "Successful businessman."

"Good to see you have good observation skills." He folded his arms, "A pity about your thought processes."

She pouted before saying, "Visible money reflected in your attire."

"As I said, good observation skills."

"Charmer, in most circumstances, but not today." She snapped again when she really hadn't meant to say the words aloud. Caleb Harland had all those things in spades. He was a self made man, with a growing business empire. Of course Melanie would find those aspects alluring. Any gold digger would. Jena silently berated herself for labelling Melanie a gold digger. 

He was waiting to see how she'd dig herself out of this hole. He looked more than amused now. "And my assets does not include my appearance?" He queried and laughed loudly and had her looking at him with more than a hint of exasperation. 

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