Part 47

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For a few seconds, both Caleb and Jena just looked at each other.

Jena tapped her watch and said,  "Mr Harland, I have an appointment."

Caleb knew he was going to enjoy this. "I understand that. But when would it be convenient?"

"For what exactly, Mr Harland?" The instant the words escaped she regretted them. He would read all sorts of invitations into that question. She rolled her eyes, when she saw the recognition in his eyes. The man found her amusing, that much was obvious. Jena sighed, "Let me rephrase that." Squared her shoulders, "Why do you want to talk to me?" She pointed at one finger, "We have nothing to talk about." Tapped another finger, "Melanie is not here," moved to another finger and tapped it, "and even if she was here, we would have nothing to talk about." So if you do not mind, and I would appreciate it, if you can just turn around and go away!" She pulled her door shut behind her. She was pretty sure that this man was here to cause problems!

Caleb could see she had no intention to remain here and prolong this conversation. He found himself studying her, noting not for the first time that she had this air of utter stillness, as if little could rattle her, although he thought he could see slivers through her barriers. So he opted to be upfront. "I need a cake."

"From me?" Jena laughed, but when he frowned, Jena then added "You are teasing, right?"

He ignored her sarcasm and replied, "I have a business proposition for you."

Suddenly, her palm were drenched, and nerves sparked. A proposition? For me. "Business?" Her brain tried to work out possible options. Could not be personal proposition.  And he mentioned a cake. But there was nothing about her business, cake making and icing, that had anything in common with his business line, motorcycles. Unless of course he wanted her to make a cake for him. She nearly laughed at that idea. Why would he need a cake? Unless he was engaged or is preparing for his wedding, but he would be here, with his prospective wife. And why would he even think about, her company, By Design? "A business proposition with me?" Thoughts raced through her mind. Very odd. He did not consider a personal proposition two month ago. Now he has her in mind for a business proposition? Must be in a parallel universe.

"Yes, Jena, I told you, I need a cake." Caleb was not sure what to make of the light in her eyes. Humour or excitement? 

Jena blinked, and reviewed his statement. Out of the blue, he wanted a cake? Made by her company? Unlikely. So she checked, "You want a cake?" She narrowed her eyes. "Made by me?" Clearly this is a joke. 


"Really. Made by me." 


For seconds neither said anything. Eventually, Jena said, "There are lots of bakeries between your home and mine, surely you could have stopped and got a cake!" She huffed not sure why she was entertaining this conversation. She was already late. So with sarcasm added, "And if that failed, you could have gone to a supermarket. They stock varieties and huge stocks. I have no idea why you are here? As I said, you could buy a cake at various bakeries or the supermarkets." 

"Supermarkets do not cater for weddings."

The humour vanished from her eyes and shock was lodged in her heart as she asked quietly, "Are you getting married, Mr Harland?" And that idea stopped her heart. As if someone had put out the light, because suddenly, while in reality the weather was sunny, but in her world it was grey. All because he was getting married. In her mind she reviewed the last couple of months, there was nothing about Caleb in the social, financial or back pages of the newspapers or online. She knew she had found herself checking the news online, looking for news about Caleb, because for some reason, her memories of him were reviewed through her rose glasses. At one point she even accused herself of stalking him virtually! Which is why she stopped checking the news. 

Caleb watched her eyes, and wondered why her eyes reflected sadness. Surely someone working in this area, providing wedding cakes, would see joy not sadness. But he saw desolation in her eyes. "No. My sister is getting married."

Relief washed through her heart only to be admonished by her mind. Jena said with a genuine smile, "Congratulations. Please pass on my best to your sister?" Then again she checked her watch, "Now, excuse me! I have a meeting on the other side of Wellington."

 He was pleased to see the despondency in her eyes were replaced with happiness. He folded his arms, and said, as if it was obvious, "You make wedding cakes."

"Yes, I know, Mr Harland." Best to leave before she hugs him in relief! "Excuse me." She looked over at his car. She could reverse her car, but it would be a close shave, as his car was blocking her exit.

Again, the emotion in her eyes made him wonder. What is going on here. Within seconds she went from despondency, to happiness and now, worries. Instead of  asking her about her mood, he stated, "My sister wants your company to make her cake." 

"Great. Tell her to get in touch with Andrew. Excuse me. Would appreciated it, if you move your car." Jena had not factored Caleb's visit into her schedule and his unexpected-visit was ruining her schedule. She thought she had adequate time to reach her next venue for the appointment, but with his car blocking her car, time was vanishing.

Caleb watched her, seeing emotions flitting through her eyes. Her eyes showed she was more interested in his car, or at least where it was parked. Caleb replied, "My sister has done that." It was like talking to someone who does not understand the language. He unfolded his arms but did not move his feet, "Sophie spoke to Andrew."

"Great. Again, excuse me." She narrowed her eyes and said, firmly when he did not move at all. "Please move your car, Mr Harland."

It had no impact. He did not budge. "My sister thinks your company is the best." Surely a compliment would suffice here. 

"Wonderful." Was redundant by her tone, acerbic. "And if I agreed to that compliment, you no doubt will remind me about my disposition!" He might have forgotten his statements about her nature, but she had not forgotten. 

"What?" He blinked, surprised by her statement and her tone. "Why would I remind you about your disposition, Jena?  My sister thinks your company is the best. I have looked up your website. Your reviews are astonishing.  Accept our compliments, I am sure, other people have told you that your company is the best. Not sure why you think your disposition would rendered the compliment moot?"

"You think," and she started to tick off his previous comments, "I am vain" held up one thumb, "I am arrogant" held up her index finger, "I am..."

Caleb held up a hand to stop her statement. Silently his brain reminded him his opinion had changed, but he was sure she would not accept his personal reflection So instead, he announced, "As I said, I have read your website and seen the reviews for your company."

"Wonderful." Sarcasm laced that one word. His eyes narrowed in frustration. Jena continued, "Seen any reviews for my character?"

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