Chapter Four: I Can See the Future

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No matter how much I moved in my sleep, Kamil always found me through the night and wrapped me up in their strong arms. Every time they did, I scooted closer towards them loving the warmth and comfort their body gave me. When the morning came, I was still securely wrapped in their arms. I laid there for a second trying to figure out how I could get out their grasp without waking them up and make my way to the bathroom. I decided to gently push away their arms, but their hold on me only got tighter and they groaned. I giggled before tiredly saying, "I have to pee, you big baby."

They let me out of their grasp with another groan. When I slipped out of bed, I looked over to see that Kamil still had their eyes closed shut. They weren't lying about not being a morning person in their speech last night. When I went to use the bathroom, I decided to go ahead and brush my teeth. By the time I walked out, Kamil was sitting on the edge of their bed with their eyes still closed. I laughed at how tired they were. It was almost hitting 10 AM, this was a late start for me while Kamil was acting like it was 5 AM in the morning.

Kamil muttered groggily at my laugh, "Hmm?"

I teased them, "How does your morning hair look worse than mine when I went to sleep without my bonnet?" They grunted something I couldn't understand. "Um, I don't speak caveman, Kamil."

All they said back was, "Breakfast." It looked like Kamil had to override something in their system to make themself stand up. I watched as they dragged their feet past me and into the bathroom. The door closed and I shook my head at them as I made my way back over to their bed. I heard the shower running for a few moments then I heard Kamil scream and the shower abruptly turn off. What in the world was wrong with them?

Kamil yelled from the bathroom, "I'm up now." They must've drenched themself in cold water to wake up. How dramatic. "Stay. I'll make you breakfast!"

Skeptically, I asked, "You? Make me breakfast."

Kamil stuck their soaking wet head out of the bathroom. In their deep, morning voice, Kamil said, "Don't try to play me, princess. I make some mean pancakes." Them calling me "princess" especially in that tone made my heart flutter and I was guilty of grinning.

"You know, I'm more of a waffle girl."

"I'm going to convert you to a pancake girl today." Kamil smirked before going back in the bathroom.

Kamil let me borrow some of their clothes. I chose their sky blue Nike tech suit which made them laugh uncontrollably at me. They said, "It's so big on you. You look like an adorable ass stem." They were standing in front of me in a glacier white Nike tech suit that fit them and their tall frame perfectly. We looked like the sky, it was kind of cute how we were matching. I looked up at Kamil, briefly admiring our height difference. "You're so small," they said still laughing a bit.

I rolled my eyes at them and grabbed their hand. "You're going to take me downstairs and make me these pancakes or not?"

"Shawty, got an appetite, huh?" I stuck my tongue out at them as they began leading me to the doorway of the bedroom.

Kamil and I had their home to ourselves. Kamil had checked Ziggy's and their dad's location, and Ziggy seemed to be visiting his mom while their dad was at some kind of café. While Kamil cooked, I sat at the island counter on a spiny barstool. I watched Kamil whisk the pancake batter with confidence. They even had a cute little smile on their face while they did it. I could tell they enjoyed cooking. Even though, it looked like Kamil knew what they were doing, I asked teasingly, "You sure you don't need help?"

They furrowed their eyebrows and pushed their lips to the side as if I had said something farcical. "My grandma had my young ass cooking since the age of six. I know how to cook. Don't get it twisted. If you stick around, you'll fall in love with my cooking."

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