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"Look what we have here" a voice snarled

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"Look what we have here" a voice snarled.

Regulus could barely get his eyes to open, his skin pulsing in pain. The bruise would be there for the next week at how hard he had been hit. He winced at the thought.

"Moody, that's enough" Another voice joined.

Regulus had been too far away from civilisation to think he'd remember the voice of a female but he rejoiced in the soft and sweet sound.


Breathe in.

Breathe out.

He winced as he forced his eyes open. Sirius had grown in the 3 years since he had seen him. His boyish features were now long gone and in its place was a cool and collected man, though a hint of mischief never left his eyes.

"Hey Siri."

He heard the man scoff. Sure his greeting was lame but what more could he want. He was a branded death eater now with little to no respect from the people around him.

"Where have you been?"

There was a tone in his voice. It was like he was being punished for sneaking out when he was grounded. He puffed out an air of breath. How lovely.

"This is nice and all, but can we get back to the point" Another voice growled. He could sense them inching towards his bag. They shouldn't. There were bad things in that bag.

"Wait" He called out. "Let me make one phone call and then I'll answer anything you want me to."

There was a pause.

"How do we know you're not going to sell us out?"

Breathe in.

"Because it's to a muggle"

Breathe out.

Someone thrust the old flip phone into his hand. He looked up, his like curling up at the sight of Sirius.

"I trust him"

His heart warmed. He looked down at the phone, scrolling to the old contact. He hadn't contacted her in a long time now. She said to never call so he never did, only texting to make sure that she was ok. Not that he ever got an answer. He dialed the number and waited.

"You're reached the voicemail system, please leave a message-"

The phone was ripped from him and he was forcefully bound back to the chair behind him.

"Who was that? Who was that lady?" Moody growled, saliva hanging dangerously close to his face.

"Alastor!" Lily Evans, or Potter, said. "That's an automated voice. It's no one." Moody grumbled.

Before anyone could react there was a whoosh of air. There she stood. She was taller now and he hair had grown. She had fake glasses on and dressed from head to toe in washed out mom jeans with a loose sweater that dropped at the shoulder. She didn't look like she did before. She looked different. A good different.

"You called?"

Breathe in.

Breathe out.


The room temperature dropped. No one said a word. The woman had the dignity to smile sheepishly at the majority of the crowd. No one could say a word. No one knew what to say. Then surprisingly, to everyones disbelief, Maisie stepped forward. In her hands was a small baby, wrapped up in the softest looking blanket. Before she could make it far, James Potter was in her face with a wand at her throat.

"How do we know it's you?"

She smiled in a cheeky manner. Lips flaring at the sides.

"You just do."

Before the conversation could continue, Maisie walked over to them. Davina couldn't keep her walls up, her cheeky exterior slowly melting. She loved Maisie and not a day went by where she didn't wish that the girl was with her. Before she could even open her mouth, Maisie had placed the baby in her hands.

There was an instant uproar. The loudest coming from Sirius, who was ready to charge, guns blazing. Maisie held up her hand, straight in the air instantly stopping all noise.

"That's our little girl," she whispered. Davina moved the cloth away from the baby's face and gently rubbed a finger on her small chubby cheeks. The little one cooed with joy, throwing her hands in the air and slowly opening her closed eyes. She looked up at Maisie, to see her lacing her fingers with Sirius.

Davina froze, tears rushing to her eyes. She looked down at the small baby, her silver eyes staring straight back at her own.

"No," she whispered.

Maisie let out a laugh, surprising most of the crowd.

"What's her name?"

"Lyra Davina Black"

"Davina?" She questioned. Maisie just smiled.

"After my grandmother."

She smiled, nudging the little baby's hands and awing when she clasped at her pinky, refusing to let go of the finger.

"Sirius got to pick out her name this time?"

Maisie giggled slightly, the baby turning towards the sound of her mother.

"I was promised the second choice."

Davina let out a wet laugh. After all these years of not knowing who her mother was, here she was standing in front of her. She was glad it was her too. She couldn't think of a better mother. Everything seemed to make sense now. The small blushes in the corridors or the times Maisie just needed Sirius to calm down.

Davina was so caught up in her own thoughts that she forgot the crowd of people waiting around her, eager to find out what the heck was going on.

"Is someone going to explain what's going on?"

Davina looked at the baby in her arms. Her little hands raised high, smacking the side of her face gently. She had a that look in her eye. A innocent and happy look. The small baby cooed more before turning into the woman's chest and shutting her eyes, trusting the stranger to protect her. She looked up at the crowd around her before turning to Maisie who had a warm smile on her face and a motherly glow dancing on her skin.

"I think it'd be best if you introduced yourself properly this time."

Davina let out a chocked laugh.

Breathe in.

Breathe out.

"My name's Davina Lyra Black."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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