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Davina fiddled nervously with her fingers

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Davina fiddled nervously with her fingers. Narcissa had dropped them off and Draco had immediately pranced off to talk to Parkinson and Zabini. Davina herself had no problem with Zabini but Parkinson got on her nerves. She constantly found the need to bring up her murdering father and remind her of how unwanted she was.

She sighed quietly before walking into the train and trailing to find a compartment. When she came across an empty one, she put her stuff away and sat down pulling out a book.

Alice in wonderland was one of her favourites. Her favourite character being the Cheshire Cat. She thought the book kind of reminded her of herself. She wanted nothing more than to disappear to a world of her own, one with her and just her. Or as the Cheshire Cat would say "We're all mad here. I'm mad. You're mad."

"Hey, do you mind if we sit here?" A girl asked. She looked up to see a girl with brown hair in curly locks and two twins with hair as dark as night. Davina smiled real big.

"Of course," she cheered, "please do."

The trio seated themselves down and began to discuss some things with each other. They occasionally glanced at the girl and got a smile back in return every time.

"I'm Lavender," the brown-haired girl said after some time. "Lavender Brown and this Parvati and Padma Patil," she said gesturing at the twins.

"I'm Davina B-Black," she said hesitantly. The trio of girls looked at each other and completely freaked.

"OMG- she's gonna murder us" Lavender screamed, practically bawling.

"We're sorry" Parvati begged, "please don't kill us!" Davina thought Padma would've said something, but the girl was too busy crying.

The three girls ran out of the classroom leaving a devastated girl. All Davina wanted was friends, was it too hard to ask for? She longed for the type of friendship Draco had with his friends yet when she hung out with them, it felt unnatural. She could feel tears trailing down her face and struggled to hold them in. After a while a voice interrupted her.

"Is this compartment free?" A whimsical voice asked. Davina quickly wiped away any trace of tears and turned to the girl. She had white-blonde hair, much like her cousins, and a laid back smile. 

"If you're willing to sit with a mass murderer's daughter" she muttered bitterly, looking out the window. She expected the girl to run off crying but was surprised when she slid into the vacant compartment and pulled out a magazine. 

"I'm Luna Lovegood" the girl greeted. 

"Davina Black." The only reaction she got was the whimsical smile. Luna was quickly taken back by her magazine and Davina herself returned back to the book. She was glad that Luna was in there with her, it made her feel less alone. Even if they weren't talking, it was nice to know that someone was ok with her and wasn't afraid. 

They soon arrived at Hogwarts and Davina couldn't help the look of awe that flashed on her face. The castle was magnificent and stood proud and tall for all those who stood beneath her. She smiled happily at the warmth that flooded through her when she entered the warm place. 

"First years, this way" the professor called, gaining the attention of most of the kids. Davina had lost any sight of Luna, so continued to walk by herself. She could hear the whispers and occasional glanced from nearby students but made no comment about it. 

She stood on the sidelines and watched as her cousin attempted to befriend Harry Potter. She couldn't help the snort that escaped her lips. Had her cousin really never made friends before? What a godawful attempt of it!

She watched from the sidelines as students were sorted, even amusing herself by guessing where they were to be placed. She watched as Draco was sorted into Slytherin and couldn't help the nerves that entered her. What if she wasn't a Slytherin?

"Davina Black!" The professor said, her voice booming through the hall. She nervously went up and received a reassuring smile from the professor. The hat was placed on her head and automatically a voice began to speak. 

"What do we have here? The offspring of Sirius Black are you? I remember him, a brave gentleman. Oh, and you're mother, an extraordinarily bright woman"  the hat stated, pondering slightly.

I doubt my father was brave, she thought, thinking about the man that was currently imprisoned in Azkaban. 

"He really was, you should've seen him when he was younger. You're a very brave child, incredibly strong yet there is an unknown fear that lingers. The fear of not belonging." 

Davina kept quiet, hoping that this wouldn't take as long as it already was. She was beginning to become a hat stall and she already had enough attention. 

"Better be... Gryffindor!" the hat screamed. There was light applause throughout the hall, not much from anyone. Most knowing who her father was and deeming her an unworthy Gryffindor or a danger to those around her. 

She seated herself away from the majority of her first years and kept her head down. How was she going to make friends? Oh, this was hopeless, she should've agreed to be homeschooled. Lucius was right, no one would want to be friends with a murderer's daughter. 

Suddenly, she felt a body slide into the seat next to her. She turned to glance at the boy with black hair in apprehension. The boy let out a cheeky smile before holding his hand out for her to shake. 

"I'm Harry Potter," he said. 

"Davina Black" she replied. 

"Let's be friends" he demanded, shaking her hand. The girl couldn't help but look shyly at her plate. Did he want to be friends with her?

"Are you sure?" she said. "My dad's a bad person, like really bad."

"It's true," a red-headed boy said, his mouth filled with food. Harry turned to glare at the boy before opening his mouth to reply. 

"That's my best friend you're talking about," he said, puffing his chest out proudly. Davina couldn't help but giggle, watching as Ron stared at the boy in disbelief. Harry then turned to Davina, a bright smile on his face. 

"I don't care if your dad's Santa Claus. You're my best friend, besides did you support your father in his decision?" Davina shook her head to deny his question. 

"Then you're not the bad guy, and everyone needs to know." With a look of pure devotion, 11-year-old Harry Potter stood on the Gryffindor table and yelled for the whole of the great hall to hear. 

"Listen up everyone" he declared. "My best friend Davina Black" he pointed at Davina, which left her with a blood-red blush. "Will no longer be receiving any snide comments or you'll have to deal with the wrath of me!" To end this, he shook his fist in the air. He jumped down and turned to Davina before talking about his cousin Dudley. 

For the first time in a long time, Davina let out a genuine smile. 

She had met her person.  

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