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IT WAS BUGGING her for a while now. Davina was a women herself and easily identified the discomfort she felt when the new DADA professor was around. What she couldn't comprehend was the fact that Maisie went into a hysterical panic anytime the teacher stared at her or showed any distinctive attention.

Maisie was in their dorms together and the rest of their roommates were out doing activities of their choosing. Maisie was sitting on her bed and reading a divination book. Upon hearing her entrance Maisie smiled before placing the book down.

"I don't even know why I read this crap," Maisie sighed, lying down on the bed and relaxing into the mattress. "I like to think it's because of how ridiculous some of these things are." Davina made her way to the bed and collapsed next to the girl.

"We need to talk Mai," Davina uttered. Maisie turned to look at her concerned before sitting up and nodding her head. Davina in turn closed the curtains around the bed before placing a silencing charm around the bed.

"How are you?" Davina asked.

"I'm alright Davie" Maisie said wearily, "Is everything okay?"

"It's just that in DADA..." Davina started but trailed off when she noticed the pinched expression on her friends face.

"You're looking too much into it" Maisie said coldly. "Yes he's a creep but there's nothing going on with me."

"But you're-"

"You know what, I'd actually like to get back to this book"

"Mace please-

"Get out Davina."

Davina sighed heavily before exiting the room and making her way out of the room. She knew that Maisie was going to get defensive but she hadn't expected her to react in such a way. From her reaction Davina could only assume that Maisie was deeply hurt and wounded from something and this professor had brought back bad memories.

She made her way to the library and wasn't surprised to see Remus sitting there, reading a History of Magic textbook. Davina hated the subject so she wasn't too motivated to get a move on with the subject and its content. She was a firm believer in the past being forgotten.

"Hey Lupin"

"It's Remus, Davina"

Davina only chuckled in response. She took a seat next to him and stared pensively at the boy. He hadn't made the move to engage in conversation with her or participate in anything but the book.

Davina happily gazed at the man in front of her. Remus was so focused on his work that he didn't feel her stare on him. She smiled slightly at the man. She had always admired the amount of effort the boy put into his work. She admired the way he bit the tip of his quill slightly and the way his tongue poked out of his mouth when he came across something that challenged him. She found the way that his eye lit up to be one of his most precious features.

𝙋𝙝𝙤𝙚𝙣𝙞𝙭 - 𝙍𝙚𝙢𝙪𝙨 𝙇𝙪𝙥𝙞𝙣Where stories live. Discover now