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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


"What the fuck?"

"Mind your language young lady" Sirius reprimanded, crossing his arms.

So Davina's 3rd year wasn't going the way she planned it would. There wasn't a huge party, no sneaking out - besides the occasional hogsmeade trip - and especially no secret lovers. Not that Davina minded, she hated the somewhat chaotic year.

First her lunatic father decided now was the best time to flee Azkaban and go on a murderous rampage after her best friend. Then Lucius Malfoy claimed that he didn't want Draco at risk, therefore sending her to the Leaky Cauldron. Then her Hogsmeade privileges were taken away from her and she was forced to remain at Hogwarts with Harry and professor Lupin.

But sadly that wasn't even the worst of it. Now she was stuck in a dirty disgusting shack with her manic father, dumb professor and a best friend in the middle of a mental breakdown. She was sat down and forced to listen to the story of Pettigrew's betrayal, Remus's lifetime of pain and her father's innocence.

"How do we know you're telling the truth huh?" Davina jeered.

"Yeah" Harry parroted back. Davina shot him a glare, before lowering her voice and hissing at him.

"Can you not?"

"I didn't even do anything"

Hermione sent them a withering look. The amount of times the two of them had had a stupid conversation when they weren't meant to was more than enough to convince her that they'd both need a lifetime supply of therapy. Preferably not from her.

"You're always copying me! Be more original"

"How do you know I didn't think of it first huh? I'm the smarter one!"

"Oh bugger of Harriet, we all know I am"

"Yeah well at least I'm passing potions!"

"If you two don't knock it off I'm going to bury you both so far under the ground that you'll end up becoming friends with goddamn termites." Hermione hissed. The two looked at her before nodding hastily, glancing at the ground.

There was silence for a moment before Davina nudged Harry slightly with her elbow, whispering to him. "That was uncalled for. You know I have the hots for Snape"

The two friends snickered slightly drawing Hermione's attention again.

"I swear to god you two" Hermione snarled. "Your last. bloody. warning."

"Sorry Mia." "Sorry Mione." The two friends echoed in unison.

By now, the two oblivious children had turned to realise that Sirius was staring at them nostalgically. Sirius was instantly brought back to the times he and James used to bicker like that. James and Sirius were not as close as Harry and Davina, but there were still moments that brought Sirius to tears. James and Sirius were like siblings - a brother bond if you must - but Davina and Harry were soulmates. They were interconnected and intertwined into each other's lives.

The group left the shrieking shack with Pettigrew bound and Snape levitating of the ground. Davina at first was in charge of levitating the professor, but when she bumped him into every wall on the way out, the role was passed onto Hermione.

"'Twas wise of you not to kill him" Davina hummed, hooking hands with Harry. "Didn't know you had it in you Harriet"

"I adore the faith you have in me Vina," Harry said dryly. Harry attempted to unhook his arm but found that Davina had clamped down on him. It was times like these that made Davina question whether or not she was a Gryffindor. She didn't want to talk to her father alone and having Harry there was reassuring in a way.

"Together" Harry murmured kissing her forehead and lacing their fingers together. They both approached the haggard man albeit hesitantly.

"Hey Sirius" Harry started. He squeezed Davina's hand slightly and received a squeeze back in reassurance.

"Harry" he greeted. He turned his gaze slightly to look at Davina. She smiled at him shyly, ducking a piece of hair behind her ears.

"Dad," she greeted. Sirius's heart clenched to hear that word coming out of her mouth. She had always been Daddy's girl but after all those years without him, he often wondered if she still was.

"My babygirl," he said tearfully. He pulled Davina into a hug, burrowing his face into her black locks. Davina let go of Harry's hand and crushed her father into an equally as tight hug, soaking up the feeling of comfort she had long forgotten. The comfort of being held by a father.

Sirius pulled his head back, keeping both his palms on her face, smoothing his thumb against her cheekbones.

"God, it's been so long" he croaked. "My baby's all grown up and my godson..." he turned to look at Harry, a forlorn look on his face. "I left you both all alone, so unprotected."

"We're fine Sirius" Harry stated, swinging an arm over Davina's shoulder. Davina smiled as brightly as she could, reassuring her father that she was in fact alright.

"When this is all over, you're both coming to stay with me," Sirius promised. "I don't care what anyone says. I'm gonna make up for all the time we've lost"

Davina smiled brightly at that before pulling the three of them into a tight hug. She could hear Harry chuckling but was too happy to care. This was all that she needed for the rest of her life. Harry, her father and her friends.

"We'd love that" Davina whispered to her father. Sirius's only reply was squeezing her harder and closer to his body. They pulled back after a moment. Sirius kissed both their foreheads before backing his head away to look at both kids properly.

"You look so much like your father" Sirius murmured, swiping his fringe away from his eyes. He turned to look at Davina, a soft look in his face.

"And you remind me so much of your mother."

Her mother.

No one had told Davina anything about her mother. Whenever she asked the Malfoy's they had refused to tell her anything about who her mother was and where she was. Was she dead? Did she not want her? Were there other factors in play?

Sometimes late at night she would wonder what her mother would say to her if she had met her now. Would her mother be proud of her or would she depict her daughter as a bad person?

"My mother-"

"She was the light of my life" Sirius interrupted, a lost look on his face. "She was my everything when I had nothing and-"

Sirius caught himself. So her conclusion was right, her mother was in fact dead. Davina thought that she would've felt different, sadder in a way.

It was later on when Davina realized she didn't feel sad because she hadn't had any hope for her mother. She knew it was sad in a way but when you lived with so much love only for it to be snatched away, it's hard to find hope again.

"It's fine dad" Davina reassured, catching a teary eyed Sirius.  "I have you and I have Harry. That's all I'll ever need."

Sirius smiled at this daughter. She was so warm and filled with such loveliness that it made his heart warm and gooey.

"Oi what am I- chopped liver?" Ron bellowed. Davina let out a dazzling laugh before jumping on the boy's back.

The moment was perfect for her.

She had her father, Harry and all her close friends. What more could she ask for? Her mother maybe but life wasn't perfect.

It would've been nice though.

𝙋𝙝𝙤𝙚𝙣𝙞𝙭 - 𝙍𝙚𝙢𝙪𝙨 𝙇𝙪𝙥𝙞𝙣Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang